Chapter 13-Maureen's Missing

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 Phone rings. Melody answers


"Melody, this is Hayden. Do you know where Maureen is?" asked Hayden

"No why? I thought she was with you." Melody feels worried.

"Well, last night we had dinner, she went to the bathroom, then she didn't come back. The worst thing is her dress is gone too."

Melody, naked, gets up to put her clothes on. Frighten and concern she says, "The wedding is in three hours, we have to find her. I'm on my way."

Larry wakes up and asks, "Is everything, ok baby?"

"No, my sister Maureen is missing. She didn't come home last night and her dress is gone."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Well, can you go to your hotel to see if she's there?"

"Yeah," he said, "I'll see if I can find her ok?"

Melody went to Larry and said, "Ok, give me a call if you find her." She kisses him then leaves his house.

Back at the cabin, Melinda calls the police to report Maureen missing. Hayden, in her tracksuit, tries to speak to Madison but Madison ignores her. Hayden asks Melinda, "Did they find her?"

"They are looking for her, don't worry," said Melinda.

"Hope this wedding doesn't turn into a disaster."

Michael and Morgan search the backyard to find her. Unfortunately, no luck. They come back inside to figure out where she is.

Melody enters the cabin and tells Melinda, "Mom, I can't find her. Larry is checking his hotel to see if she's there."

Melinda worries, "Oh my God, where in the world is she? The wedding is in two hours!"

Melody turns to Hayden when Hayden enters the living room. "Hayden, what exactly happened last night?"

Hayden explains, "We was having dinner, she told me about her guilt for keeping a secret as a lesbian from her family. So, she went to the bathroom and its been forty-five minutes. Later, I checked to see if she's ok, then she was gone."

"Why would she do something like that?" asked Michael.

Melody turns to Michael, "You."

"Me?" confused Michael, "Melody, what are you talking about?"

"If it wasn't for your stupid big mouth, we would get ready for the wedding. You were the one who made her run away because you told us how she became gay and was scared to tell us."

Michael feels guilty but he tries another approach. "Since I'm the bad brother, everyone gets ready for the wedding while I'll find her."

Michael drives to the hotel where her sister will get married. Michael tries to call her but no answer. He begins to have thoughts about his childhood girlfriend, Maureen, Heather and his daughter Madison. He feels so guilty although Melody told him he was the reason he made Maureen run away. He parks closely by the hotel entrance.

He starts searching for her. He asks the hotel clerks if they have seen Maureen. One clerk, however, tells Michael, "I saw a woman in a red long gown and she is in the ballroom, so you can go check in there." Possibly Maureen

Michael run to the ballroom to find Maureen. When he opens the door, he sees a woman in the red gown. She turns around and its Maureen.

Maureen explains why she didn't come home last night. In tears, she says, "You broke this family. All the hurtful things you said to me made me mad and want to run away. I don't know if I should get married. In fact, you win. The wedding is canceled."

Michael looks guilty then said, "I don't want you to cancel it because of me. Whatever I said the other day, I didn't mean it."

"Why do you keep treating Natalie so bad, treat your own family like strangers, and one more thing..left Heather to raise your daughter by herself at 16?"

"I was afraid!" Michael cried. "I was scared. I didn't like Antioch, there were no opportunities for me out there. I wanted something better for me. Since you stole my girlfriend I hated you so much. I started treating you like you were nothing and my family were nothing to me. I wanted to get away and never look back.When Heather was pregnant, I was a young and dumb. I can't have a baby as a teenager so I dump her. The biggest mistake of my life. Ever since Heather had the baby, I didn't want to have children because I was scared to be a dad. I was scared to mess up. Now I did." Tears rolling down on Michael's face as he continues. "I want to take back all that stuff I said to you and the terrible pain I caused for you and our family. Please forgive me."

"You mean that?" Maureen asks.

"Yes, I don't care who you marry as long as she or he makes you happy. I think Hayden is the one for you. I love you, lil sis."

"I love you too." They hug.

Maureen tells Michael, "Look, you need to take of your responsibility to Madison and be a good father. When we adopt or have a baby, you need to be present at every event:birthdays, graduations, recitals,holidays, soccer games. By the time they grow up and decided they want to be gay, you have to be supportive.Promise?"

Michael smiles at her, "I promise."

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