Chapter 11-The Closet Has Opened

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Back at the cabin, Michael, again, was on the phone. While Melinda tries to talk to Michael, Michael tells his mother to leave him alone because he is working on a case, which is extremely important to him. Maureen witnessed Michael's rudely behavior towards his own mother. Maureen had enough. She confronted Michael on being an ungrateful brother and son to the family. He tells Maureen that she put shame to this family by being gay and points out that she and Melody have always been jealous of him. He later tells the family the truth about him and Maureen's bad relationship as siblings:

"I tried to keep this from mom and dad but you know what, the only reason why I hate you so much is you took Bethany away from me", Michael confronted Maureen.

The room was silent.

Natalie asked, "Bethany Williams, the lesbian?"

"Yeah," he nodded then he turned to Melinda and Morgan, "Mother, father, when you guys were on vacation in Dallas, I caught Maureen kissing Bethany, my girlfriend from seventh grade. Maureen has not been a lesbian for a year, this happens when we were 12. I can see why no man does not want a fat, dyke whore like you because they play you like a game boy. I'm disgusted and I am ashamed to be your brother. As for Bethany. You know why she stopped going to the same school a few months after you dated her, I told her parents about it and she got sent to Christian camp so she can stay away from your fat lesbo ass!!!"

"You know what I going to kill you!!" Maureen screamed when she choked Michael. Hayden pulls Maureen away from him. Michael then yelled, "I don't keep secrets in my CLOSET!"

"You know what Michael, you been hard on us ever since you went to college. I can see why you don't want to be around the family because of my sexual orientation choice. But you know what, that's ok. Since you told my secret about how I became gay, let's tell your secret," said Maureen.

"My secret, bitch what you talking about?" sarcastically Michael while rubbing his neck.

"Don't play dumb with me. Mr. I don't want to be a father," said Maureen.

Hayden stopped her, "Maureen, shut up!"

Natalie asked, "Tell them what?"

Melody asked, "Michael you have a secret?"

Michael answered, "She's lying, I don't keep secrets"

"Really," asked Maureen, "Have you told your wife that you had a baby at 16 with Heather, while you were in college? Hayden had to raise her sister's baby after she died."

Natalie raised her eyebrow, looked at Michael, then said, "What?"

Maureen continued ."Maybe that's part of the reason why you don't want kids before Natalie was pregnant three times. You should tell Natalie that you told me about you don't want to have kids while she was pregnant with her first child and how relieved that she had two miscarriages and buried your stillborn son, Jayden. My nephew, rest his soul."

Natalie turned to Michael and asked, "So you're sympathy and love for children was a fake?"

Madison looked at Hayden and asked, "Mom, aunt Heather had a baby by Uncle Michael?"Hayden turned to her and said, "Yes"

"I have a cousin? Is it a boy or girl?"

"No, honey"

"No? Did the baby died or adopted by another family?"

Hayden took a deep breath, looked at Madison in the eyes and said, "Sweetheart, Heather was sixteen years old when she had you. After she died, I took you in. Michael will not be your future uncle. I was going to tell you before you went to college."

Madison looked shocked at learning that Hayden is her aunt and Michael is her biological father. So she paused for five seconds then angrily said, " The man who is Maureen's brother is my father and my dead aunt is my real mother?"

"I'm so sorry sweety."

Madison starts to cry."No, you're not sorry, why did you lie to me? Now my life is a lie. So, Aunt Heather is my real mom. You have to pretend to be my mom since I was a baby. You're saying my mom's dead and I have a man who is my father but was going to be my uncle after the wedding."


"Leave me alone I hate you. I don't know who I am right now. You're not supposed to keep secrets from me.I tell you everything: school, friends, and family. I trusted you!" Madison cried then ran upstairs to her room.

"Madison," cried Hayden.

"NO!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!" cried Madison.

Hayden sat on the stairs crying.

Natalie looked at Michael and said, "I can't believe you. I've been through hell with you. You know what this marriage is over. I want a divorce. When we get home, pack your stuff and get out!" Natalie took the ring off then storms out of the room.

Michael said, "Natalie,-"

Natalie interrupted,"It's over, you lost your wife. I always wanted children. I had two miscarriages and lost a baby. TWO MISCARRIAGES AND STILLBORN!!!"

"Baby, I-" said Michael.

"Do not talk to me," yelled Natalie.

Michael storms out of the cabin when Natalie ran to the kitchen and vomits in the sink.

Looks like this family may or may not have a wedding.

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