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*at a coffee shop after a long day.

Scorpio, Cancer and Aries are waiting in line waiting to order.

After working all day the impatient and irritatble Aries starts mumbling.

Aries: What is taking so damn long?

Cancer: I swear I saw people cutting in front, but hey, we're next anyways.

Picking at his wound
Scorpio: aww man, I think my stitches are coming apart, look!

*turning the other way
Aries: Don't get me involved please.

Cashier: Next!

*walking up to the cashier

Cashier: How's your day so far?

*with the nicest face and tone ever.
Scorpio: I'm good, and you?

*with big grin
Cashier: I'm doing well, what would you like?

Scorpio: Can I get a.....*interrupted by Aries.

Aries: let me get the cinnamon black coffee.

Scorpio: ok.... then, can I get the black tea with a splash of lemon.

Cancer: and I'll take a regular coffee 2 sugars two cream.

Cashier: ok that'll be fifteen dollars and seventy.....

*cashier looks at their rings
(Hunters wear specially made rings that serves as license and trackers)

Cashier: Wait, are you guys hunters?

Cancer: why yes, yes we are.

The smile quickly fades from the cashiers face.

*With a cold stare
Cashier: That'll be $55.00

Cancer: I'm sorry, What?

Aries then lunged at the cashier, luckily Scorpio stopped her before she grabbed the cashier.

Scorpio: Aries ! Calm down.

Aries stands down and Scorpio turns to Cancer

Scorpio: I dont blame her, I'm not about to pay $20 for a cup of tea.

*Cancer turns to the cashier who's still standing there but clearly shaking from fear.

The manager then walks up.

Manager: What's seems to be the problem here?

Cancer: It seems that your cashier might've made a mistake and my friend overreacted.

Aries was about to step up, but Scorpio got in front her.

Scorpio: Bullshit, the cashier is over charging us because we're hunters.

*Clearly with a fake smile
Manager: Hunters you say? Well the price seems right, it's just a little tax that's all. If you don't agree with our prices, you're free to fill out a complaint form

Scorpio slowly reaches for the manager

Cancer: Scorpio.....

Scorpio:.....fine, but I'm not drinking anything

Aries storms off to a table with Scorpio following making sure she doesn't flip a table.

Cancer walks up and hands the manager $50

Cancer: Just the two coffees please.

*still Clearly faking a smile.

Manager: Sure thing, we'll get on it right away.

After Cancer leaves, the cashier returns to the register.

Cashier: Next, please.

Virgo, Pisces and Taurus walks up.

Virgo: Can I get three cups of cappuccino?

Taurus: *from behind* oh, and banana nut bread

Virgo: ...and a banana bread

Cashier: Sure thing, that'll be....

Cashier quickly looks at the three

Cashier: Actually it's on the house.

Pisces: Really? We appreciate it but we can't...

Taurus: shhh, quiet, free food.

*turns to Cashier

Taurus: We appreciate the kind gesture very much, thank you.

Cashier: We'll have your drinks up shortly.

*Meanwhile at the hunters table.

All three are sitting down, and Scorpio and Aries are using a 4th chair as a foot rest.
Aries takes a sip of coffee.

Aries: Aww, no cinnamon, that's messed up.

Cancer: Yuck! There's No sugar.

Scorpio: Yeah, no surprise there.

Cancer: Maybe they made a mistake.

Aries: can you stop being so blind? We're hated by the community.

Cancer: You're right, can't deny that.

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