Disturbance Pt.III

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Cancer: Kid?

The group backtrack to where they last saw the child.

Libra: Ok she's still here.

Scorpio: Actually that's the problem, she has to go too.

Libra: You dont mean, Gemini she's innocent right?

Gemini: I'm getting mixed signals from her.

Cancer: if we leave her like this there's no telling what she'll turn into.

Libra: so what do we do.

Sagittarius: I've been in this situation before, ever heard of the "Generational curse"?

Everyone stayed quiet trying to figure it out.

Scorpio: "The sins of our father", well mother in this case.

Cancer: What do you mean?

Scorpio: The Sins that her mother committed is now her child sins to bear also.

Libra: But she innocent, She didn't do anything.

Scorpio: True , she took no action, but she's feeding on the body her mother killed, so in the eyes of the lord, the child has sinned.

Libra: Its not fair, wait Pisces knows how to lift a curse, I'll have her come over.

Scorpio: Or we can just kill it, and be done.

Cancer: That's a little harsh dont you think?

Scorpio: No one cares what you think "Fake Hunter"


Sagittarius: Scorpio!

Scorpio: Sorry, fine but we can't wait, the soul can become unstable and at that point it'll be too late to lift the curse.

Cancer: Scorpio...... can you lift the curse, just this once?

Scorpio: Do I look like a priest?

Cancer: No, but your family comes from a long line of priest and priestess....

Scorpio: Stop....shut it..

Cancer: Even your father was a priest, I'm sure you'd know how to lift a curse.

Scorpio: I said Shut it! You have no right to talk like you know my family.

Sagittarius steps in and calms scorpio.

Sagittarius: Scorpio, please just this once.

Scorpio: *sighs* fine, but if I'm doing the communicators job, I expect to get their pay also.

Libra: If you can save her, we'll hand over our contract.

Scorpio went through his car and grabbed a few items.

Scorpio: Okay first I'll need another person, a complete opposite to represent the light and I'll be the dark.

Libra: I'll do it.

Scorpio: No, you're too attached to the soul, you'll only hinder it.

Libra: What about Gemini?

Gemini: Ummm I'm not sure I can do this, I've never experience this before.

Scorpio: No, if she's not confident in the ritual it'll only backfire and we're guaranteed a demon.

Libra: well you're out of options goldilocks!

A car rolled up and a figure stepped out.

Pisces: I'm here I came as fast I could.

Scorpio: Princess?

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