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Back at HQ

Capricorn: Hey Cancer, I just received word from Virgo, turns out it was just wolves.

Cancer: Alright then, Scorpio is probably disappointed.
Anyways could you do me a favor?

Capricorn: Always itching for job. What do you have for me?

Cancer: Well it's not a job exactly, I need you to meet with a former communicator. She has some interesting information.

Capricorn: Ok, Who's coming with me?

Cancer: No one, this is not job, as far as I know, she just has a tip, but it is time sensitive.

Capricorn: I'll get going then.

Cancer: Thanks, It's quite a trip though, I booked a plane and I'll have a ride set up for when you arrive.

Capricorn immediately packed his things.

Capricorn: *to himself* should I bring my tools? Nah.... well, maybe, better safe than sorry.

*Back to Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio.*
They were waiting at the airport for their flight home.

Scorpio: We couldn't book a direct flight?

Virgo: Do you realize how expensive that is?

Taurus came back after talking with an employee at the counter.

Taurus: Ok I got bad news and good news.

Virgo: What is it?

Taurus: Our next flight has been overbooked. Earliest flight out will be tomorrow afternoon.

Virgo: Good news?

Taurus: The airline offered us vouchers to stay at a local inn in a small town.

Scorpio: That doesn't sound like good news.

Taurus: Better than sleeping in the airport.

The three of them gathered their things and took a taxi to the town they would  be staying at.

Scorpio notices many military vehicles and soldiers along the way.

Scorpio: Hey driver, whats with the troops?

Taxi driver: This country was recently on the brink of war, luckily a peace treaty was signed before a war took place.

Scorpio: If there's no war, why are there still soldiers.

Driver: Many of these soldiers voluntarily chose to stay enlisted, steady pay, free meals, benefits, I wouldn't leave either.

Scorpio was satisfied and the rest of the trip was quiet.

Driver: Ok here we are.

They unpacked the car and made their way towards the inn

The town was small, but was very clean, nice houses, fresh air bright lights.
Virgo: wow this place looks amazing.

Scorpio: You're right. For a small town they're pretty advance in technology.

Taurus: Its like walking through through downtown of a big city.

On their way they were stopped to make way for a funeral motorcade.

It was big lineup, then the hearse was about to pass.

Something caught Virgo's eyes.

Scorpio: You saw her too?

Virgo: Yeah.

Scorpio: Wife, Girlfriend maybe?

Virgo: Maybe, but I can feel that she's hiding something.

Just then a woman grabbed Virgo's and Taurus' arms.

Confused Virgo and Taurus quickly moved their arms.

Young woman: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, Wow you guys came fast.

Virgo, still Confused.

Virgo: I'm sorry, were you expecting us?

Taurus whispers in Virgo's ear.

Taurus: I think she might be the with the Inn.

Virgo: Ahh ok, yes sorry for being too jumpy.

Young Woman: Its okay, my name is Benny.

Young Woman: Its okay, my name is Benny

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They also introduced themselves.

As they made they're way towards the inn, Scorpio couldn't help but noticed Benny staring at him, not with interest but with disgust.

Benny: Ok here we are, why don't you guys unpack and rest up before we get started.

Scorpio Virgo and Taurus were to tired to notice what she had just said. They made their way up the stairs and walked into a room with three beds.

Scorpio: Why was she expecting us?

Taurus: Maybe the airport called ahead of time.

Scorpio: She didn't even ask for our vouchers.

Virgo: Oh well, let's just rest up for now.

Scorpio: I'm going to explore around a bit.

Taurus: I'm actually pretty hungry, I'm going to go check if they serve food here.

Scorpio stepped outside and explored the town while Taurus was downstairs looking to get something to eat, leaving Virgo in the room by himself.

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