Kiss of Truth

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Taurus immediately slapped Scorpio and wiped her lips.

Taurus: What are you thinking?!?!

Scorpio: *rubbing his cheek* that is called a kiss of truth, now you are unable to tell a lie.

Taurus: why would you do that?

Scorpio: Do you have feelings for Virgo?

Taurus tried hard to mouth the words "No" but what came was the truth.

Taurus: Yes....

Scorpio: Does Virgo feel the same way?

Taurus: Yes.

Scorpio: So he's cheating on Pisces

Taurus: That's not true, we never acted on our feelings, Pisces is a good friend and I would never hurt her.

Scorpio: Well that's kinda all that I wanted to know.

Taurus: Are you going to tell the others?

Scorpio: Not my problem, but if this situation gets in the way of my team's safety, I will intervene.

Scorpio turns and walks off.

Taurus: Wait, how long does these truth thing last?

Scorpio: Don't know, it varies.

Scorpio arrives at camp and sees Virgo.

Virgo: Where's Taurus?

Scorpio: Wouldn't you like to know.

Virgo stops and stares at Scorpio.

Virgo: whatever you think you know, its wrong.

Scorpio: Whatever.

Taurus comes walking up.

Scorpio: well I'll leave you two to it, I'm going to explore.

Virgo: Wait

Scorpio: hmmm?

Virgo: why aren't you sneezing anymore?

Scorpio: picked up some allergy meds.

Scorpio walked off leaving Virgo and Taurus by themselves.

There was a long awkward silence until Taurus broke it.

Taurus: We have to talk.

Virgo: About what?

Taurus: You know what, we gotta squash this thing between us, it's not good for the team

Virgo: Taurus.....

Taurus: Look I know you don't want to hurt Pisces and I don't want that either, so I think it's best if we stop whatever this is.

Virgo: I understand.

The rest if the night went on, neither of them speaking as much.

Taurus: Where's Scorpio?

Virgo: It has been awhile.

Suddenly they both hear growling and howling from a distance.

Virgo: Could that be a beast?

Taurus: Sounds like there's a bunch of them.

Virgo: Come on where's Scorpio.

They see wolves coming their way

Virgo and Taurus brace themselves ready to fight back

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Virgo and Taurus brace themselves ready to fight back.

Scorpio: relax they're just Dire Wolves.

Virgo: Wolves? Here?

Scorpio: This is their breeding grounds, as long as no one disturbs them everybody will be fine

Taurus: that's a bit anticlimactic.

Virgo: Better than fighting wolves I guess.

Scorpio: Well since we found out the cause of the so called "beast" sounds I suppose we can pack up and go home?

Taurus: Can't we just stay the night? The sky is nice tonight

Virgo: I suppose one night couldn't hurt.

Scorpio: *sighs* fine we'll stay.

All three stayed the night, Scorpio noticed the tension in the air and how Virgo and Taurus were not talking.

Scorpio: *to himself* I wonder how long this will last. Will their feelings for eachother simply die off or will it build up and suddenly explode?

Virgo: You say something?

Scorpio: What? Uh nothing just taking mental notes.

Virgo: Freaking hunters...

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