The Merger

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Leo: NO! I Refuse to let these two groups combine!

Sagittarius: Its too late, the order has already been sent out, and we must stick to it.

Leo: Well, I'm not buying it.

Sagittarius: Relax, everyone else is pitching in.

*Aries walks in*

Aries: So what are you two old people arguing about now?

Sagittarius: Old?

Leo: I'm disgusted, pineapples does not belong on pizza!

Aries: Really?

Aries turns to Aquarius, who is just sitting there with a blank stare.

Aries: You good Aqua?

Aquarius: huh, oh yeah, just thinking.

Aries: about what?

Aquarius: I was thinking about how to shut these two up.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius stopped and stared at Aqua.

Aquarius: Both of you are so childish, even for how old you are.

Sagittarius: old?

Luckily before another arguement could start, Cancer and Scorpio walks in.

Scorpio: No, I don't agree with these two groups coming together.

Leo: You heard about the pineapple on pizza also?

Scorpio: What? No, that's my favorite topping.

Leo: ah damn it!

Scorpio: nevermind that, Cancer just told me that we're gonna be working with the Communicators, again!

Leo: What do you mean?

Cancer: our two companies will be merging together.

Sagittarius: Why?

Cancer: To be honest, this has been an idea for some time now.

Scorpio: and you didn't tell us?

Cancer: I didn't tell you because I knew you would act like this.

Leo: Well it's not ideal, but I think can work.

Scorpio: Hey Leo, how's your hand?

Leo: Good point.

Sagittarius: What's the reason though?

Cancer: Well, if you haven't notice, spirits lately have become much more violent, and we haven't been getting jobs as often either.

Sagittarius: I see

Aries: I still don't get it.

Sagittarius: We'll basically be protecting Communicators on jobs.

Cancer: Correct, most of the time ghost will start as a non hostile entity, but there has been many incidences where it becomes violent.

Leo: Why don't we just go instead of the communicators?

Cancer: You know we aren't in favor of the public, so by merging with the communicators, the public might be more comfortable hiring us.

Aries: How do you feel about this Scorpio?

Scorpio: Honestly, I don't like the idea of working with them, but what can we do? If we don't get jobs, we'll all be broke soon.

Aries: True, so Cancer, how is this going to work.

Cancer: The communicators are on their way to our new headquarters, we should get going also, we'll go over this again all together when we get there.

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