The Ferryman

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Scorpio and Virgo are still trapped inside the catacombs.

Scorpio: Is there even an exit?

Virgo: I feel like we're walking in circles. Like a maze of some sort.

suddenly the ground started getting damp and soon water was slowly rising up. The water rose up up to they're waist

Scorpio: Hopefully it doesn't get any higher.

Virgo: Why can't swim haha?

Scorpio: I can swim, it's the floating part I have issues with.

Virgo: What? How is that possible.

Just then a boat was slowly coming towards them.
Scorpio and Virgo waited until it got closer.
There was a figure rowing the boat.

Kharon: Hi, my name is Kharon.

Scorpio: As in River Styx Kharon?

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Scorpio: As in River Styx Kharon?

Kharon: Correct.

Scorpio: Did we die or something?

Kharon: Haha, no no, I transported you two here.

Virgo: Transported?.... Did you push us in here?

Kharon: Yes and no, that was was my minion, but you did fall through my portal.

Scorpio: That explains why the others haven't  found us, we're actually not under the shop.

Kharon: Exactly!

Scorpio: But that doesn't explain why you brought us here.

Kharon: I'll get to that but first let's get you on the boat.

Kharon assisted  Virgo on the boat and reached out for Scorpio.

Kharon: you coming?

Scorpio: Hold on, is this the actual River Styx?

Kharon: Yeah.....

Scorpio: so if I dipped my whole body in here, I can be invincible?

Kharon: Yeah...No, doesn't work like that anymore, we changed the water, we don't want another Achilles roaming the earth.

Scorpio: Damn it.

Scorpio climbed on the boat and dried off.

Scorpio: Ok now spit ferryman.

Virgo: yeah why are we here?

Kharon explained  to them how the River Styx is actually a maze to help keep souls from returning to the mortal world.

Virgo: So it was a maze.

Kharon then proceeded to explain that some souls managed to escape and  are currently in the mortal world.

Scorpio: So don't you usually have people for that?

Kharon: we do, but all of resources are making sure nothing else escapes.

Scorpio: So what are you saying.

Kharon: I'm just warning you, some harmless souls escaped but there were some evil ones that left also.

Scorpio: big deal, I can handle them.

Kharon: No you don't get it, these specific souls, have the power to tear open the barriers that keep the dead and living separate.

Virgo: ok, now it's serious.

Scorpio: Do you know where they are?

Kharon: uhhhh no. But one wherever an unnatural phenomenon is happening chances are they're involved.

Scorpio: Great, so is there where you give us cool weapons?

Kharon: You've watched too many movies.

Virgo: I don't want to sound rude but, how do we get out?

Kharon: oh right, go under my boat and swim to the bottom.

Scorpio: ok?

Kharon: just trust me.

Virgo: Thanks

They both jumped into the water.

Kharon: Oh and if you help us, when you guys die, I give you a ride on the house.

Virgo: uhhh sounds good?

Scorpio: Haha good one, but I can't die.

Kharon rolled his eyes.

Virgo: Let's go.

They both got under the boat and started swimming towards the bottom.
They started to see a light and quickly swam towards it, as they got closer they felt their buoyancy flip as if they were swimming up. When the broke the surface they found themselves in a water fountain and sitting there was all the Zodiacs just staring at them.

Scorpio: hmmm, usually I'll have a witty comment, but I got nothing.

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