Disturbance Pt.I

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CodeName: A Mother's Sin

Personnel requested: Hunters and Communicators

Risk Level: Hostile
(Different risk levels, ranging from least to most)

Unknown- Not enough info to catalog

Wanderer- Non-Violent

Trickster-Property damage only, no physical damage

Abusive- Mentally harmful, no physical contact.

Hostile- Harm inflicted on the living physically. Non Fatal

Murderous- Fatalities 1-2 bodies

Public Enemy- Multiple fatalities, causing wide panic.


*At Hunters HQ

Cancer: Hey Leo I got an assignment for you.

Leo: Send it, what is it?

Cancer: Abandoned lot, the land was sold and demo was suppose to take place.

Leo: Ok, what's the problem?

Cancer: Let's see, machines turning on by itself, tools going missing, and some eye witness reports a pregnant lady roaming the premises.

Leo: Doesn't sound bad.

Cancer: Hold on, you be rendezvouing with two Communicators.

Leo: What? Then why am I going, the mission sounds safe, the entity sounds harmless. Sort of.

Cancer: That's the thing, recently the workers had been attacked, scratches, and burns.

Leo: so what, am I taking this thing out or what?

Cancer: uhhhhhh,

Leo: What?

Cancer: We were hired by the previous owner to take it out, but the communicators were hired by the new owners.

Leo: And let me guess, the person holding the deed gets first say, but why would the previous owner bother, it's not their problem anymore.

Cancer: Don't know, but if it gets out of hand, you know what to do.

Leo accepts the job and heads out.

*on the way there

Libra: So we're meeting with a hunter?

Capricorn: Yeah, I guess the entity has been getting more violent overtime.

Libra: Hopefully we can resolve this before the hunters have to intervene

Leo was waiting when the communicators arrived.

Leo: Hi, I'm Leo, you must be the communicators.

Capricorn: Correct, I'm Capricorn and this is Libra.

Leo: Ok, before we start, I understand you guys have authority with this mission, but if I see that you guys cant handle it, I'll be force to take over.

Libra: As long as you give us a chance, we have no objections.

The three of them walk towards the lot, then Leo signaled them to stop.

The three of them walk towards the lot, then Leo signaled them to stop

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