Ms. Gray Thorne is the new Latin teacher at Caldwell High. Her first year teaching brings more drama and romance than her actual high school experience.
"Well, they're from Alabama. You know Alabama: racists, sexists, KKK, incest, all that jazz. My family fits in pretty well, my father belongs to the KKK." He begins.
"Oh god. How'd you end up like this?" I say.
"That's why I moved out, anyway, my parents were the first generation who didn't marry their cousins. So, I've probably got pretty messed up genes. My older sister has a collection of guns worth more than I get paid in a year. My mother, she's nice, but isn't a big fan of gay people, or black people, or feminists, so maybe she isn't that nice. My brother, he owns a pick-up truck, it's painted like the confederate flag. Lola, she turned out nice. She's a lesbian and dating a black woman, so she can't exactly be homophobic or racist. But her twin sister, couldn't be more different. Her twin, Presli, lives in the middle of freakin' no where with her husband and 7 children. They live off the land and regularly eat squirrels, rabbits and deer." Fitz says.
"And I thought my family was messed up." I say. He laughs. "So, seriously how did you end up so normal?" I ask.
"Well, I can kill and skin a squirrel if I felt like it, but I don't really care for the taste." He says. "Oh, ew." I say. "I do own a gun, two actually." He says. "You do?" I say. "I also drive a pick-up truck." He continues. "And have a southern accent." I say. "I do not!" He argues. "You do. It's hot, but it's there." I say. "Whatever." He mutters. "So, the whole racist/homophobic thing, are you?" I ask. "I'm the only one in my family who accepts Lola, so that's a start." He says. "I'm guessing you are pretty republican, though." I say. "Oh definitely." He says, "You're a Democrat, aren't you." "Yeah." I say and roll over.
He spoons me, messing with my hair. I feel safe in his arms, no matter how much I want to say I don't. With his scent around me, I close my eyes.
In the morning, my alarm goes off. It's Tuesday. Fitz groans and reaches over to shut off the alarm. I wander out into the kitchen. I pour a bowl of cereal and Fitz looks in my fridge. "Can I eat this apple?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. His sister wanders out of the guest room. "Good morning." I say. "Do you people wake up this early everyday?" She asks. "Unfortunately." I answer. "Do you have coffee?" She asks. I point to the pot brewing. "I'll get a mug for you out." I say.
"Am I dragging you to work with me today?" Fitz asks. "Lordy, no." She says, "I'm going to do tourist things. I've never been to DC before, you know." "Avoid the White House around 12. There's a protest. They've been planning it for weeks." Fitz says. "I will. Where should I eat lunch?" She asks. "Wesley's Pizza" Fitz and I say in unison. "It's the best pizza in town." I say. She nods. "Got it." She says.
"We should shower." I say. Fitz agrees. "We'll shower at his place. Use my shower." I say to Lola. "Okay." She says.
I grab clothes and walk over to Fitz's. We shower, separately. I showed and he shaved, brushed his teeth all that. He showered and I did my makeup and stuff.
I see Lola unlocking her car in the parking lot. "You drove all the way here from Alabama?" I ask. "Alabama? I don't live in Alabama." She says. I look to Fitz. "The rest of my family lives in Alabama, Lola and I got out of there the second we could." He says. "I live in New York City." Lola says. "That makes a lot more sense." I say.
Lola goes home in two days, things go back to normal once she leaves. I don't see Fitz that weekend, but I see him on Monday at school.
"Hey." He says. I smile. "The lock-in is on Friday." I say. "Woo." He cheers, sarcastically.
We go out to dinner that night. It's beginning to get cold. When we're walking up to the restaurant, I huddle up next to him. A two blonde girls pass us on the street. "Hey, Ms. Thorne!" One blonde girl, Meredith, says. "And Mr. Kennedy." The other girl, Sally, says. I look up at Fitz and we both scoot apart. "Hey, girls." I say. "I'm sorry, but do I know you two?" Fitz says. "No." Sally giggles. I shoot him a look, he looks at the ground. "So, where are you girls headed to?" I ask, making small talk. "We're going to see a movie." Sally says. "Fun." I say. "Where are you two going?" Meredith asks, raising her eyebrows up and down. "Uh, the library. We were going to grade papers." I lie, trying to pretend like we weren't just wrapped around each other. "So, adult have study dates too." Sally mutters under her breath. "We should go, we should get so we have time before they close." Fitz says. "Yeah. Have fun, girls." I say.
"That was horrible." I comment after we turn the street corner. "How did they know who I was. I don't even teach them." Fitz questions. "All of the girls have a massive crush on you. They constantly talk about you." I explain. "Me?" He says. "Yeah, you ask surprised. You are better looking than any high school guy, they literally talk about you constantly. They've all got the hots for you." I say. "That's weird, because all of the boys think your really hot." Fitz says. "What?" I say. "Yeah, it's disgusting. I mean, I think you're very hot, but they talk about all of the things they'd like to do to you. I always yell at them to knock it off, but it doesn't end." He says. "Really?" I say. "Well, you learn something new everyday."
"So when you said your boyfriend was Mr. Kennedy hot, you meant he was Mr. Kennedy." Meredith says on Tuesday. "What? You and Mr. Kennedy?" Brandi, who hadn't been there the previous night, says. "We we're working late last and night and Meredith and Sally ran into us." I say. "They were cuddling." Sally states. I sigh. "Like how?" Brandi asks. "Like this." Meredith says, wrapping her self around Sally. Sally pretends to be Fitz and snuggles her back. "Oh my god. You are my new OTP." Brandi says. I face plant on the desk. How do I get myself out of this one?
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