Ms. Gray Thorne is the new Latin teacher at Caldwell High. Her first year teaching brings more drama and romance than her actual high school experience.
"We both saw it." Meredith says. I look up. "Look, you can't tell anyone. I'll get fired. Or Fitz will." I say. "Ooo. Fitz. That's a nickname." Sally says. "Did you think I called him Mr. Kennedy?" I ask. "But, seriously, you can't tell anyone." "We won't, but now we need details." Brandi says. "Fine." I say, "But promise me you won't tell anyone, even him, anything I say."
"How serious? Like are you dating dating. Or is it complicated? Or are you just hooking up?" Sally asks. What is their deal with my sex life? "We are dating." I answer. Meredith giggles. "Do you love him? Or not yet?" Brandi asks. I feel my face get hot. "I think I do, love him, but he doesn't know. Not yet. I'm not even sure I know." I say. "How long have you been together?" Meredith asks. "It's what, October? School started at the beginning of August. So...2 and half months? I'm afraid it's lust." I say. "That's a long time." Brandi says. "Maybe for a high schooler, but we're adults. It's different." I say.
After they all leave, I lean back in my chair. I think about it, do I love Fitz? I can't imagine my life without him, my heart gets all warm and fuzzy when ever I see him, I find myself liking the things that I shouldn't and I keep thinking about a future with him. Is that love? What is love? I've never really loved anyone. My mother was shitty, my father was never home, even when he was alive. My sister, sure I loved her, but I felt like she was a chore to take care of, not someone I loved.
There's a knock on my door. A man's voice echoes into my room. "Ms. Thorne?" The man asks. "Sir?" I question, seeing the principal standing in the doorway. "Are you related to Amelia Thorne?" He asks. "Yes, sir. She's my mother." I say. "Your mother?" He says and I nod. "We need to talk." He says, shutting the door.
I look up from my laptop and close it slowly. He paces around my room. "I haven't heard from her in a week. She hasn't shown up for work, she hasn't answered my phone calls, I don't know where she is." He says. "She probably got alcohol poisoning. Or maybe she went a little crazy and OD'ed on sleeping pills. That's what happened to my father." I remark. "You guys aren't close." He notices. "Other than arguing for 10 minutes on the first day of school, I haven't talked to her since I was in high school." I say. "Don't you care where she is, she did give birth to you." He says. "Yes, but she made my entire childhood a living hell, so I think we're even." I comment. "We were pretty close, won't you help me find her?" He asks. "Sir, you clearly know her better than I do. If I was principal, I would have never hired her, but I know your sleeping with her. You can't turn down your mistress, right?" I remark, while leaving my room and walking down the hall. "We–She–I'm–" He tries to explain. I stop and turn to face him. "Save it, sir. I know you wouldn't be here, she wouldn't have even be hired, if you weren't sleeping together. Trust me, sir. I know her tricks, she is my mother. But, I have no clue where she ran off to this time." I say and continue to walk down the hall.
I realize, the doorway I stopped in front of was Marx's. He jogs out. "This whole place is soap opera. You do know that right?" He comments, trying to make me laugh. "I'm not sure about that, I think I might be the soap opera." I joke. He smirks. "Maybe." Marx says.
Courtney walks out of the teacher workroom as we pass. "Hey Gray, Marx!" She says. I smile. "You guys heading out?" She asks. "Yeah." Marx says. "You guys want to get drinks or something?" Courtney asks. "I'm up for it." Marx says. "Hey!" Says a mans voice from behind. Fitz. "We were all about to get drinks, want to join?" I ask. "It's Tuesday." He says. "And?" "Nothing. I'm in." He decided. Devin wanders out of her classroom. "I heard drinks. Can I join?" She asks. "Duh." Courtney says. "And I'm third wheeling again." Marx mutters. "Invite your girlfriend." I suggest. He looks over to me. "Here's the thing, I don't have one." He says. Courtney smiles. "Mission: get Marx laid." She says. "Oh this will be so fun." I comment. "Fitz: You can be his wingman. Gray, tell him what straight women like. Devin and I will find him the woman. We'll all help you get ready." Courtney says. "This is sad." Marx says. "Not our fault." Devin remarks.
We all meet at the bar. We have Devin and Courtney go in to check out possible suitors. Fitz and I help him get ready. I attempt to tell him how to fix his hair, but I give up and do it myself. Fitz suggests some pick up lines. We're ready to go in. Devin texts and says they have found a girl. Now, I walk in. Fitz will walk away once the conversation picks up and then find me.
In the door, a dude walks up to me. He reaches for my ass, but my street kid skills kick in and I smack his arm. "Ow! What the hell?" He says. I sit down at the bar, five seats from the girl. I see Fitz and Marx walk in. They casually sit a stool away from the girl.
I watch Marx order a drink and take a sip before scooting over next to the girl. Fitz stays where he is for a minute, but scoots over next to me. "Can I buy you a drink?" He asks. "I've got a better idea." I say.
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