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I put on my long sleeved tee shirt and black leggings. I find a pair of fuzzy boots and a stocking hat. I'm prepared for the cold. Most of the even will take place inside, but our stand is right by the door leading to the outdoor attractions.

We go inside the school building and make our way to the stand. It's near the door as I expected, we are inside, thankfully, but the breeze still manages to make its way to us. We setup the drinks and get ready for the event to start. Fitz brings us stools, we're going to be there a while.

After the carnival has been open for about 25 minutes, a few girls walk up to us. One of them, Mabry, is in student council. She walks up to the stand.

"Can we take a picture of you two for Mr. Kennedy's fanpage?" Mabry asks.
"Both of us?" I ask.
"Yeah," She says.

We stand next to each other and pose for her photo. She runs and off after thanking us. I laugh. My smile fades when I see my mother staring me down from outside. I turn my attention back to the girl purchasing a hot cocoa.

After our shift is up, we head out into the carnival. We're stopped by Sally, Brandi and Meredith.

     "Can we take a picture with you guys?" She asks. I look over to Fitz he nods. I agree to take a photo with the girls.
      "We can post these, right?"
      "Yeah, tag me." I suggest.

     I catch another glimpse of my mother staring us down. It's beginning to creepy me out. I ask Fitz if he's noticed.

    "Yeah, I was hoping you hadn't," He answers. I wonder why she's staring us down. I don't bother Fitz about it again. We walk around the gym and chat with some of our students. Everything was perfect....minus my stalker of a mother.

     The carnival will be done in a little bit so Fitz and I head towards the door to check out what we hadn't gotten to. Before we make It our the door, I hear a voice yell behind us. My mother. I've heard that voice yell too much. Fitz looks at me in confusion.

     I turn around to face her. She marches towards me. A couple people have started to notice.

    "Oh would you just stop?" She yells.

    "Pardon me?" I drawl.

    "Stop being so perfect!" She snaps, now close enough for me to smell her breath. To smell the alcohol on my breath.

     "Perfect?" I question.

     "Oh for God's sake! Stop pretending! You aren't perfect. All these students think you walk on water. They're all asking you for pictures and shit. Why? You aren't anything special. Just a schoolteacher who never really amounted to anything. And your precious boyfriend is so hot he has a fanpage. Oh my!" She imitates.

     "Boyfriend?" I stutter.

     "Knock that off too! Everyone here already knows you and Mr. Fucking Perfect are hooking up. You ain't perfect. I don't even know why he's with you. The only reason he even likes you is because you sleep with him..." She says.

      "That isn't—" Fitz starts.

      "I know. Mother, I didn't amount to anything? Really? You are the one who didn't amount to anything. You're an alcoholic, Mom. Which wouldn't be so bad if you didn't refuse help, or if you didn't neglect your children. The only reason you have this job is because you're sleeping with your boss. You got your children taken away, sent off to god knows where." I say.

      "Darling, I was perfect. Then you came along. You and your bratty little sister always kept us awake at night. That's why your father starting taking those pills. You killed your father. He might have taken the pills, but your crying and needy selves killed him," She says. Her hands reach to my shoulders. She shoves me back.

      "Stop! Look around. Where are we? We're at a carnival with all of our coworkers and students here, if you're too drunk to tell," I say. I feel the eyes of everyone watching us.

      She smacks me. And proceeds to use one line I've hear a million times.

    "I brought you into this world, I can take you out."

    At this moment, Mr. Molton pulls her away. I slide down the wall and sit on the ground. I want to hide in a dark corner where no one can see me. Fitz slides down the wall next to me.

    "That couldn't have gone much worse." I mutter.
"Yeah..." Fitz agrees. I glare at him. "You know I love you, right?" He says.
    "I know..." I say and lean my head onto his shoulder. Everyone knows anyway.

     He took me home. We both flop onto the bed as soon as we walk in. He sighs.

   "Do you think I'm going to get fired?" I ask.
   "Well, if you're fired than so am I." He says.
   "Well, you didn't do anything with your mother, so if you get fired it'll be because of me, of us. So, I will be fired, too." He concludes.
     "Right," I say.
     "I need a beer. Do you have a beer?" Fitz says.
     "What do you think?"
     "Right. Never had an alcoholic drink," He says, rolling over.

    I grab my phone and go onto Instagram. I don't check it very often, but I wanted to see if I could find Fitz's fanpage. I log on and accept a few more follow requests before typing the username. I didn't follow it before, but I decide to now. 200 posts. 4,237 followers. I click on the most recent picture. It was the photo of me and Fitz at the carnival.

The caption read: In honor of 200 posts, here's a little more about Mr. Kennedy. The woman in this photo is his girlfriend, sorry ladies, he's taken. When I reach 5,000 followers I'll post a video on YouTube talking with Mr. Kennedy! Go ahead and submit questions.

I pass Fitz my phone. He nods.

"You're going to do an interview?"
"Hell, yeah. I mean I'm famous, why not." He says.
"Point made. Maybe if we get fired, you can start a YouTube channel and become rich and famous as Mr. Kennedy...the hot teacher." I says. He laughs.
"That's my backup plan." He jokes.

I switch off the lamp and roll on top of him. He kisses me.

"Let's have a little fun," I whisper.

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