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"You're like 12," I remark.
"I'm 19. I was 12 when you left, 7 years ago."
She reminds.
"Has it been 7 years?" I mutter to myself.
"Yes." She says.

"So you're going to marry Ace?" I say. She holds up her finger. On it sits a small silver band. No diamond, just a heart engraved.
"Yes. We're getting married in August." She answer.
"Why the hell would you want to marry Ace?" I ask.
"Because, I'm pregnant." She says. I look over to Fitz. He looks back, concerned.
"There are other options," I say, "You don't have to marry the dude."
"What other options for a 19 year old single mother with out a college degree?" She asks.
"You don't have to be a single mother." I answer.
"What? And get an abortion?" She asks.
"Yes? That's what I did." I say. I feel Fitz grab my hand.
"How'd that work out for you?" She asks. That felt like a kick to my ego.

I squeeze Fitz's hand. He squeezes back.

"I have a masters degree, I have a real job, I made it out of this damn town, I'm engaged, I turned out pretty good." I say.
"I don't want to go to college, baby or not. I have a real job, it pays well. And I don't even live here. I live in Glenwood. And I'm engaged. What's the difference?" She asks.
"You are engaged to Ace. Not because you love him. Because your pregnant. And look at Ace and then look at Fitz." I say.
"He is hotter than Ace, so what? Looks aren't everything. You said he was a teacher, Ace makes more than a teacher's salary." She says.
"What exactly do you two do?" I bicker.
"I strip and he owns a successful vape shop in Glenwood. Top that." She says.
"I didn't want to bring money into it, but now would be a good time to mention that Fitz is a billionaire." I say.
"Gray!" Fitz says.
"What?" I respond.
"Ace is perfectly fine. He doesn't need to be a billionaire to be a good husband." She says.
"I agree, but Ace is not a good person." I say.
"Really? What's so horrible? Yes, he's had a lot of girlfriends, so what?" She says.

"He made my life hell. You're my little sister. I want to protect you! He's up to no good." I say. Her face falls. "He's up to no good and you know damn well. You just want to live out your perfect little fairytale." I say.

    "He's perfect!" She says.
    "Is he?" I say.
    "Yes?" She says, less confident.

    "I used to tell people that. Because he used to be. Sure a little trashy, but so was I. And then, suddenly I wasn't allowed to go anywhere myself. Suddenly, I lost contact with most of my friends. All of a sudden, I had to wear double the makeup because the bruises on my face would cause people to stare. I believed him when he told me, it was all my fault. That no one would take my side. It wasn't until I wanted to move across the country and he wouldn't let me, that I saw it..." I trail off. I hear Fitz let out a little gasp. A pity gasp. He squeezes my hand. I tilt my head up.

    "Is he doing that to you?" I ask, stern.

     "He said that if I didn't marry him, he'd..." She starts but trails off.
     "He'd what?" I ask.
     "Hurt me." She whispers.

     "He threatened you?" I say.
     "He said that if I told anybody he kill me anyway." She says. I see Fitz's hands clenched in a fist.

     Ace walks in the door, grinning. I get out of my seat. Ace sees me. I lean over to Fitz.

    "Call 911. Tell them there's a man wielding a knife." I say.

    "Gray!" He says.
    "Shut your trap." I say.
    "What the hell?" He says as I walk towards him.
    "You threatened my little sister into marrying you," I say.
    "What did I tell you would happen?" He starts before I shove him. He runs into the wall.
     "Screw me over, fine. Mock me, fine. Try to fight my boyfriend, fine. Hurt my little sister... Actually, screw my little sister over, I can deal. Break her heart, I can deal. Get her pregnant, I can deal. Threaten her? You die." I say.

     I pin him into the wall. He reaches into his pocket and pulls a knife. I'm strong, but he's a big guy. He pins me to the wall and holds a knife to my throat.

     "Ah. The knife. How did I know?" I ask. I feel him press it closer.
     "Shut up or I'll kill you." He says.
     "Oh Ace. You won't kill me. Not like this."
I say.
     "Shut up."
     "You see I won't. Because Ace I've been here before. Remember high school? Oh, sophomore year. You did this. I said I was going to break up with you and we were standing here, just like this. You angry with a knife to my neck. Ah, the good old days. Let's see then there was senior year. It wasn't me, but Ricki. You remember Ricki? He told you that he was going to tell your mama on you. How proud would she be now? Seeing you with a knife to my neck, once again." I say. Fitz stands behind him, ready to pull him off. I'm okay.
     "Shut up!"

    The door swing open and the town's only sherif holds a gun. Pointed at us. At Ace. I'm just in the way.

    "You called the cops?"
    "No. I didn't. But when you hold a knife to a girl's neck in a public place, somebody's bound to notice." I say.
    "Drop the weapon, Ace." Says the deputy.

     He does. She handcuffs him. I lean against the wall. Annabelle jumps in to my arms.

    "I'm sorry." She says.
    "I know." I say.

"So, How would you like to come to my wedding?" I ask after a minute.
"I'd love to come." She says.

We exchange phone number and then Fitz and I need to go. It was getting late.

"I am so lucky to have you," I say. He looks at me like I'm insane.
"I mean, you saw that. That could have been me. It could have easily been me. That was me. And it still could be. I'd be so lost without you." I say.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

     We go home and he cooks dinner. I offered, but I didn't fight it when he told me to relax. He's pretty great.

Three weeks later, Fitz has Marx over. They watch football. I read in our room before telling Fitz.
"Who's it from?" He asks.
"Maryland Department of Corrections," I say.
"Why the hell are they sending you an email?" Fitz asks.
       "I've been invited to an execution." I say.
       "Da hell?" Marx comments.

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