Ms. Gray Thorne is the new Latin teacher at Caldwell High. Her first year teaching brings more drama and romance than her actual high school experience.
I wait until all of the other kids leave. All that's left is me, Fitz, Ms. Tomlinson and Sally. I walk out the doors.
"Wait, we still have one left." Fitz says. "I'm taking her home." I say. Fitz gives me a confused glance. He doesn't question it, yet.
I unlock me car and motion to the passenger seat. She gets in and buckles her belt. I pull out of the parking lot.
"Where do you live?" I asks. "The middle of no where. Turn left." She answers. "Grab that napkin." I say. She pulls one from the coaster. I pull a pen from my bag. "Write my phone number down. Call me if you need help. I can walk you through something, I can call the police, I can talk to you, I can come get you and I can get you an ambulance. Don't lose that." I hand her my phone and she scribbles down the number.
We get to her house and I let her out. Her mother stumbles out. The woman's hair hasn't been brushed in a long time, I can see the effects of the drugs on her. She yells at her, but doesn't lay a hand on her.
I drive myself home once they go inside the beat down house. Fitz stands outside my door when I get there. He raises his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.
"Why couldn't her parents pick her up?" He asks, obviously clueless to the story I heard earlier. "Her mother is a drug attic. It hit close to home, I had to do something." I inform. He nods, but still looks lost. "What?" I say, in response to the look at his face. "I didn't say anything," He questions. "Your face did." I argue. He rolls his eyes. "What is your problem?" I snark. "I just don't understand why you had to take her home. Shouldn't you have called the police or child protective services or something?" He asks. "You don't get it. You won't ever get it, which I'm thankful for, but I'd rather you not question my judgement," I snapped. "Right, sorry." He says, a little offended. "Mhm."
"Do you want to go see a movie?" He asks. I nod, letting my anger towards him lower.
We find a movie we both want to see. It's a horror movie. I didn't particularly want to see it, but Fitz did and I'm kinda of looking forward to holding on to him during the scary parts. So, win win.
The theatre is fancy, there's reclining seats, footrests, real dinner food for purchase among other specialties. I'm highly impressed, Fitz doesn't seem to be, but I rarely go to the theatre. Fitz buys us popcorn and we find our seats. I notice that I could easily lean over to Fitz, as if we were on his couch. I immediately lean close to him.
A man scoots to his chair, next to us. He smiles wide.
"Hey! Gray Throne and Fitzgerald Kennedy, right?" Asks the man. "Yes, I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask. "How rude of me, I'm Jeffery Stone. We work at Caldwell together." He says. I immediately scoot off of Fitz. I glare at him a little awkwardly, hoping he hadn't just seen us. "Of course!" I exclaim, pretending like I know who he is. "I work in the math department, I don't think we've actually met. The two of you are very popular with my students." He formed. I look over to Fitz. "We are?" I inquire. He nods. "Well, I see why. My daughter attends the school and she constantly talks about how cool you are, Ms. Thorne. I heard many of my students discussing you too, Mr. Kennedy. It seems they all have crushes on you," Mr. Stone says. I try to remember if I know his daughter. Then it hits me, Mabry. I don't decide to announce her fanpage to him. I don't think Fitz put the piece together. "Well, it is nice to meet you, sir," I say.
"You can resume, I won't tell anyone." He hints. "What?" I say, playing it off. "The staff dating rule is stupid, PDA away." He explains. I take one more glance over to him, but he watches the trailers.
I lean over to Fitz, he puts his arm around me. The movie starts, soon. I hold on tight, terrified. One of the main characters dies quite the bloody death. I look away and bury my face in Fitz's chest. I feel him laugh.
"Not a blood person?" He says. ", no." I utter.
He takes his opposite arm and pulls me to him more. I look up and smirk, he kisses the top of head. I take a breath and turn back to the movie. I'm not paying much attention. All I find myself thinking about is him: his strong arms, touching me; the smell of him, so familiar and welcoming; the way he holds me, how I'm comfortable with him touching any part of my body; the way his laugh makes my heart flutter. I think about it all.
We walk out of the theater. It's dark outside at this time of night. He stops before we reach the street and spins me close to him. I can feel him breathing. His face is illuminated by the neon signs on the theater.
"I love you." He whispers, whispering for no apparent reason. "I love you too." I reply. He kisses me, his touch warm in the cold night.
We go back to my apartment. It's around 8pm. He leans against my kitchen counter. "Are you working the Halloween Bash?" He asks out if the blue. "Yeah, Why?" I respond. "Oh, I just got this email. It's for a tee shirt size. We have to wear matching tee shirts." He says. I roll my eyes. "Ew." I object. He flips his phone and shows me the shirt. It's orange with black text.
"That belongs on the floor." I remark. "Just like the shirt your wearing." He says. "Excuse me?" I say, offended. "Sorry, that was meant to be smooth, like you are hot and I want to take your shirt off..." He babbles.
I laugh and take off my sweater. His eyes go wide. He pulls his shirt off and walks towards me. I slip off my skirt as he watches. I stroll into my bedroom and he follows. I let him pin me on the bed. I wasn't in the mood, but he clearly was, so I didn't mind. His kisses start at my lips and go down my body.
I wake up tangled with him in the morning. He pulls me close and buried his face in my hair. I flip over and scan his face. I reach my hand up to his jawline. He smiles and kisses the side of my neck. I giggle, it tickles.
Then, we have to go to work. We should have skipped.
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