Ms. Gray Thorne is the new Latin teacher at Caldwell High. Her first year teaching brings more drama and romance than her actual high school experience.
The police arrive in fifteen minutes. A detective runs up the stairs. "Hands up!" He shouts. I put my hands in the air. We've made such a clamor that neighbors have started to watch from their balconies and some their door steps. "Where's the body?" He asks, after seeing me unarmed.
"I found it in the elevator." I say. He nods and presses the button. It opens and he sees the body. A CSI walks up the stairs after a while.
She takes photos of me and the body. I'm detained and questioned. Fitz, Marx and all of his roommates are too. They take samples of the blood on my body and finger print me.
"Your girlfriend is psycho, you know that right?" Rob says to Fitz as they both sit handcuffed on the curb.
"She not psycho. It's not her fault there was a dead body on the elevator." Fitz defends.
"Dude. It's 1:30 in the morning. Why was she even on the elevator at midnight? And why did she have to wake us all up? I could be sleeping. I should be sleeping." James complains.
"Does this happen regularly? Because this is the only time I've ever stayed at your place and now I'm sitting on a curb in handcuffs." Marx says.
"This doesn't happen every night." Fitz says.
"But something like this does." Marx says. "Because you two live in a soap opera."
"You're good to go home." The officer says to the men.
"What about Gray?" Fitz asks the officer once he is uncuffed.
"She is being released as well, but we are taking her to hospital. She needs to be properly cleansed." He answers.
"What hospital?" Fitz asks.
"Washington Center." The policeman answers.
I'm given a pair of light blue scrubs, they're itchy but better than my blood stained pajamas.
I walk out into what appears to be the waiting room. I spot Fitz.
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"Because I love you." He says. "Let's go home."
"I'll tell the principal you won't be in tomorrow. I can find people to watch your classes." Fitz says, on the way home.
"I'm alright. Living people scare me more than dead bodies." I say, "That does not mean that'll I'm ever going to take that elevator again, but I can work tomorrow."
"Okay." He says.
He stays at my place. I wake up in his arms. Tonight is the lock-in. I remind him of this.
"I'm not going to be able to keep my hands off of you." He says. I smirk.
At 7:30, I arrive at the school. The students are supposed to get here around 8. I unlock the orchestra and band rooms. Boys and girl will be separated after midnight into the two rooms. I planned a couple of games in the gym, but I'm sure they'll come up with plenty of their own.
Once the students arrive, I have them follow me into the gym.
"So, the entire point of this is we get to know one another. We'll play a name game, before anything worse, but then I have some games planned." I say.
I learn all of their names, I previously knew Sally, Brandi, Ivy and two of the boys from my classes, but the rest were new. They each seemed to form groups, who they were friends with.
My next game was fun. I made them line up in order by various things without talking. I start by age. After they decided they were in line, I went down the line and checked. I was impressed, they did well. Next, I did by the place they were born. Fitz, Ms. Tomlinson, and I had fun watching. We play a few more rounds. Everything was fun, but it starts to get late.
A couple of the girls suggest truth or dare. I agree to play and so does Fitz, but Ms. Tomlinson decides to sit out. I make a few rules before hand.
"I have some rules. Nothing illegal. Nothing that can get me in trouble. No sex. And nothing that can get you seriously injured. And no filming anything, I'd rather not take my chances and get fired." I say. Everyone seems pretty okay with the terms. A freshman named Kristy starts.
"Landon." She says, "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." He says. "Is it true that you are gay?" Kristy asks. The boy is in pure panic. "Yes." He says. I gasp. "I never guessed you would be." I say. He smiles nervously. "Mabry." He says, "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." She says. "Is it true that you have a Mr. Kennedy fan page?" He asks. I laugh and look over to Fitz who stares at her, concerned. "It's true." She half-whispers. "What is it called?" I ask. Her face is bright red. "It's on instagram," says another girl, Helen.
I reach back for my phone and type in the page. Fitz leans in. I find the page immediately. I scroll through it. There are 57 posts, almost all are candid shots of Fitz. The account has 2.6k followers. Fitz takes my phone from me.
"How does this have two thousand followers?" He asks. "I made it as a joke and then you became an Internet sensation. I had to keep going." She says. "These are horrible pictures of me!" He exclaims. "Apparently the rest of the world doesn't think so." I say.
"Sally," Mabry says. "Truth or Dare?" "Oh gosh. Truth." She says. "Is it true that you repeated eighth grade?" "Yeah..." She mutters.
"Ms. Thorne." Sally says, "Truth or Dare?" "Oh no. These last truths were brutal so I'm going to pick dare." I say. Sally grins, she's up to something. "I dare you to kiss Mr. Kennedy." She says. "That—" I start. "Is not against any of the rules." She says. It isn't.
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