Saved Pt. 1

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Y/n's Pov:
You were walking home late from school today, and as soon as you began your walk home, you knew it was a mistake. Queens was really dangerous at night. Especially for a girl like you to be walking in town alone. You sighed as you continued to walk home. Luckily, your apartment was only about 10 minutes from school. You were about 4 minutes into your walk when you heard footsteps behind you. You ignored them and continued walking, picking up your pace. You were about to turn the corner, when you were pulled into a dark alley. You screamed in fear as you were shoved against a wall.

"Hey there pretty girl, what is such a pretty girl like you doing walking home alone this late?" Said the man who had grabbed you.

You were about to scream again, when his filthy hand covered your mouth. You tried to break free from the pin he had you on the wall, but it was no use.

"Trying to get away now are we? That was a very bad idea." He said as he raised his fist and punched you hard in the head. You fell to the ground, as you became dizzy.

"Hey! That's not how you treat a lady!" Said a voice from above.

You looked up to see a faint red and blue figure. He shift a web at the man, webbing him to the wall. And that's the last thing you saw before going unconscious.

Spider-Man's (Peter's) Pov:
You were sitting on a rooftop watching over Queens, when you heard a terrified scream, a girls scream. You quickly used your webs to swing between buildings towards where the scream had come from. You suddenly stopped on a rooftop when you noticed a man pinning a girl up against the wall in the alley below you. Before you could use your web to shoot the man away from her, the man punched her as hard as he could on the side of her head. She fell to the ground.

It was at that moment that it hit you. The girl was Y/n. Your best friend. The girl you loved and had a crush on. Anger and fear rose inside you.

"Hey! That's not how you treat a lady!" You scream at the man, as you use one of your webs to pin him against the wall. You shoot another web to cover his mouth so he couldn't speak. You then swung down from the building and rushed over to Y/n. You kneel beside her and notice she's unconscious.

"Shoot" You mumble as you scoop her up in your arms and swing her to her apartment.

You carefully crawl through the window with her and set her down on her bed. You grab a washcloth and clean up the blood on the side of her head. You then gently place her head onto a pillow, and pull the covers over her. You decide it's best that you leave before you become even more sad. Before you leave, you write a note and leave it on her desk. You then swing away, no longer wanting to think about the cut and bruise that would show on her head tomorrow.

Y/n's Pov:
You wake up and yawn. For some odd reason, you couldn't remember the night before, and your head was killing you. You get out of bed and walk over to the mirror. You stand there in shock as you look at the huge cut along the side of your head, and the bruise on your jawline. You tried desperately to remember the events from last night, but you just couldn't. You walk back over to your bed, when you notice a note sitting on your desk.

Some wacko punched you last night when you were walking home. I took care of him and brought you back here.

You dropped the note and squealed. Spider-Man saved you! You suddenly remember everything that happened the night before. Omg! I have to get to school to tell Peter and Ned! You quickly change and brush your teeth. You weren't very hungry, so you skipped breakfast and rushed to school.

You scan the crowd of kids until you spot Peter and Ned standing by Peter's locker. You rush over to them and wait a second while you catch your breath. They both look at you and immediately stop their conversation.

"Omg Y/n! What the heck happened?!" Ned asks, while Peter just stays quiet and looks down at the ground.

You tell him how this guy tried to take you and how he punched you. And how Spider-Man had saved you just before you went unconscious.

"Spider-Man saved you!?" Ned asks looking over at Peter.

"Yea! I can't believe it!" You squeal.

"So do you have a crush on Spider-Man?" Ned asks you grinning and glancing at Peter again.

You blush and Peter looks up at you. "Well...I don't know...I guess...Ok yes I do." You say as you blush even more.

You did have a crush on Spider-Man, but most importantly, you had a crush on you best friend, Peter.

"What do you think about that Peter?" Ned asks, nudging Peter's arm with his elbow.

He just shrugs and looks up at you. You two make eye contact and you notice a sad and guilty look in his eyes. Suddenly the bell rings and you and Ned say goodbye to each other as Peter just seems to mumble it. You all walk to your classes, and you can't help but wonder why Peter was so sad and quiet.

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