Space Pt. 2

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Your Pov:
"The who now?" I asked confused.

"The Avengers. I'm Ironman, but you can call me Tony." Tony said.

"The..wait..I think I've heard about you guys before, group of superheroes, right?" I ask.

"Well I guess that's one way you could put it. I'm Captain America, but you can call me Steve."

"That's Nat." Tony said pointing to a red head. "That's Bruce, and that's Bucky, Sam, Wanda, and that's Thor." He said pointing to everyone (I know there are more sorry). They all smiled and waved and I did the same.

I glance at Peter and that's when I realized he had taken his mask off. I couldn't help but stare with wide eyes. He had rich chocolate brown eyes that I could just stare at all day. He had perfect curly brown hair that I just wanted to reach out and play with. I guess he must've felt someone's eyes on him because he turned towards me. As soon as he figured out I was staring a huge grin took over his face.

Tony clears his throat "And I'm assuming you know Peter?" Tony asks.

"Yeah." I say and smile. I can't help but feel a little a embarrassed as I feel a faint blush slowly form on my face.

"Hey kid." Tony says.

"Yes Mr. Stark?" Peter asks.

Tony motions him over. Peter quickly walks over to him and Tony starts whispering in his ear. Peter just nods at first, but then starts blushing, while Tony just smirks.

"Well since we need to go to space now, we have to be very careful. You kids could get seriously injured. Especially you Y/n. Peter has experience, but I'm assuming you have very little. So Peter will be with you at all times, he'll protect you." Tony explains.

I nod my head quietly as I look down and blush at the thought of Peter protecting me and taking care of me.

"We'll leave first thing tomorrow. Since this isn't our normal headquarters, we don't have an extra room which means two of you will have to share." Tony said. Just as he finished, everyone including him, ran out to go get their own rooms.

Peter turned to me and I could tell he was slightly blushing.

"I'm guessing we have to share a room?" I ask blushing.

"Yeah, but it'll be okay, I promise, and at least you're not sharing a room with Tony, Steve, Bruce, or Thor." He chuckled nervously.

I smiled and he held out one of his hands for me to take, something I've noticed he does a lot.

"Let's go, I'll lead the way." He said smiling.

I took his hand and he lead us out of the room and through the long hallway, until we finally reached a room. He opens the door and leads us in, closing the door behind him. I looked around the room. There weren't any windows. The walls were painted light gray. There was a decent sized bed in the middle with a closet, a bathroom, and a medium sized couch in the corner of the room.

"I'll sleep on the couch." I say.

"No, no, no. I'll take the couch." He objects.

"Peter there is no way I'm letting you sleep on that uncomfortable thing, we can share the bed...if that's okay with you?" I ask nervously.

"Y-Yeah that's okay with me." He replies blushing.

"Alright. I'm just going to take a shower and then I'm going to go to sleep." I say.

"Okay. There's girl clothes in the closet too, so you can take some of those to wear if you want."

"Okay, thanks Pete." I smiled and walked to the closet to grab some clothes.

   In the closet there were a few pairs of black leggings, some different colored t-shirts, undergarments, socks, two sweatshirts, and some hair ties. I grab the clothes I need and walk to the bathroom. I lock the door inside and undress myself. I step into the shower and turn the water on. The warm water feels so good on my cold skin. After about five minutes, I finish my shower, dry off, and get dressed. I have to admit, the clothes are super comfy. I grab a hair tie and put my hair up in a messy bun. I then walk out of the bathroom. Peter was sitting in the couch, zoned out. He looked deep into thought. I walked over to him and snapped my fingers. He jumped up and I giggled.

"Geez you scared me Y/n!" Peter laughs.

"That was the point." I laugh as I walk over to one side of the bed and tuck myself in.

  I hear Peter get into the other side of the bed. I peek over my shoulder and notice how distanced he is from me.

"You can come closer Pete." I laugh.

  I hear him scoot closer to me. I shiver as I suddenly realize how cold I am.

"Are you cold?" He asks softly.

   I nod my head and he scoots even closer until I can feel my back pressed against his bare chest. Wait. Oh my god. He must've taken his shirt off. I turn around to face him and rest my head against his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist. His body is so warm, he instantly warmed me up too.

"Does this help at all?"

"Yes a lot, thanks Pete." I yawn.

     I slowly drift off into a deep sleep, right after I felt a kiss on the top of my head.

*the next day*
     I yawn as I wake up. I open my eyes and look around me. I go to get up, but I'm instantly pulled back down. I giggle as I realize Peter pulled me down right on top of him.

"Stay." He mumbled in his raspy morning voice, which by the way, I find super hot.

     I blush and lay my head down on his chest and he secures his arms around my waist protectively. Eventually I fall back asleep, but it wasn't long before someone burst into the room.

"Kids! Time to get up!" Tony shouted.

   Peter and I both groaned. And I'm guessing that's when Tony noticed how we were laying.

"My boy is all grown up." Tony said pretending to be sad.

    I looked at Peter and I giggled when I saw him roll his eyes.

"You can leave now Mr. Stark."

"Okay okay I'm leaving, but get up soon. We've got a big day ahead of us. We leave for space in an hour."

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