Bullied Pt. 1 (T.H.)

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So in this Tom is in high school and just so you guys know, when I do more T.H. imagines he's probably gonna be in high school in those too. Anyways enjoy 💗

*Your Pov*
     I sigh as I get up for school. I absolutely hate everything about school. I try to be nice to everyone but I just get bullied. Every single day for the past three years. By just about every single person. The sad thing is I never even did anything to upset anyone, so I don't even know why they bully me. I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of dark blue jeans and a black sweatshirt. I put them on and pair them with a pair of black high tops. I quickly walk downstairs and eat breakfast. After I finish, I walk to the bathroom, put my hair up, and brush my teeth. I grab my backpack and sigh as I walk out the door.

*At School*
     I grab my books out of my locker and head to my first class as quickly as possible. The sooner I get their, the less chance I have of running into someone who won't be afraid to show me how much they hate me. I arrive at my first class, math, which I hate. To make things worse, I hate my teacher. He's really fat and he has no hair. He's a bit slow to be a teacher honestly and he doesn't even know how to tuck his shirt in all the way. His name is Mr. Faldwon but I like to call him Mr. Bald One. That is, in my head of course. I take a seat in the back of the classroom and keep my head down as I hear people start to enter the room. Everyone takes a seat and of course, the only open seats are on both side of me.

"Good morning class," Mr. Bald One starts, "Today we have a new student joining us. His name is Tom Holland."

     I hear the door open and close. I hear a bunch of the girls in the room, who by the way are all fake dolls that wear too much makeup and date a new guy every week, gasp. I don't even bother to look up. It's not like whoever it is is going to be nice to me anyways.

"Make sure you all make him feel welcome. You can take a seat next to Y/n." Mr. Bald One said.

     Even though I know there were no other seats left, my hatred for Mr. Bald One grew. I didn't even know that was possible. I just kept my head down as I heard my new bull-I mean Tom, sit in the desk to my left. Mr. Bald One had started his lesson. I didn't have to look up to know that Tom was staring at me.

"I know she's pretty ugly. You should just focus on someone way better looking like me instead. It'll probably help your eyes out a lot more." One of the fake dolls, Abigail, snickered.

    My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes. I mean she was right.

"What the hell is wrong with you? She has way more beauty than you ever will, and if I looked at you for more than ten seconds my eyes would probably start hurting." Tom whispered angrily.

     Wow. That's new. No one has ever stuck up for me like that. I looked up at Tom and our eyes met. I couldn't help but stare in awe. He was hot. Like not just good looking, I mean extremely good looking. He had brown curly hair and chocolatey brown eyes. Not to mention he had an extremely fit figure and pretty decent sized muscles. I heard Abigail huff from the other side of Tom. I looked over his shoulder at her and she was pissed. She glared at me and mouthed 'you're so dead.' Great. Who knows what her and her little minions will do. I turned my attention back to Tom.

"Thanks for sticking up for me and being nice and all, but I'm used to it, it's okay. It's probably best if you don't talk to me, or everyone will hate you." I said shyly.

"I could care less what everyone else thinks. You shouldn't let people talk to you like that. I'm Tom." He said with an adorable smile.

"Y/n.." I mumbled and looked down.

     I knew he was staring at me again, but I kept my head down the rest of class until I heard the bell ring. I gathered my things and rushed out of the room to my locker. Just as I was about to open my locker, I was suddenly punched in the face. I fell to the ground and cried out in pain. I looked up and my eyes widened. Standing in front of me was probably the meanest jock, Camden.

"I heard what you made the new kid say to Abigail. What is wrong with you? You're such a bitch." He screamed as he began to kick and slap me.

     I cried as everything in my body began to hurt. I felt Camden get pulled off of me by someone but I couldn't figure out who because I started to feel dizzy as black spots clouded my vision, until there was complete darkness.

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