I was Wrong Pt. 1

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Hey guys so I saw someone do something like this, and I decided to do something similar. This is going to be a two part story. Enjoy :)

Dawn's Pov:
I sat at lunch with my friends, if I'm going to be honest sometimes, I really didn't even like them, but I have no other friends. They could be really rude, and would make fun of other people. Today was one of those days. With me at our lunch table was Flash, who is a jerk. Chloe, who basically controls me, but I didn't realize it at the time. Liz, who I actually liked, she wasn't mean like the others, just pressured, and controlled like me I guess. And Olivia and Rose, who were always gossiping and talking about people in rude ways.

"Hey Dawn, don't look now, but there's a nerd looking at you." Olivia said.

I turned my head to see Peter Parker looking at me. He quickly turned his head the other way when he saw me looking at him though. I honestly didn't think Peter was a nerd at all. He was basically the smartest kid in school, and he was really sweet, and pretty cute. You've always had a little bit of a crush on him, and your friends had always mocked you saying that he liked you, but you'd never tell them that you liked him, only Liz.

"He's such a loser." Rose said.

"No he's not." I said turning back to my friends.

"What did you say?" Chloe asked coldly.

"I-nothing...." I said looking down.

"That's what I thought." Chloe said.

*Time skip to later that night at Chloe's house with Rose, Liz, Chloe, and Olivia*

"Let's play Truth or Dare." Olivia said out of nowhere.

"Ok." Rose replied.

We all got into a circle on the floor.

"I'll start." Chloe said. "Dawn, truth or dare?" She asked me.

"Let me think..oh, I know." She said with a coldly with a smirk. "I dare you to ask that nerd boy, Peter out, then stand him up." She said as she laughed.

I looked over at Liz. She gave me a sad look.

"I-I can't do that." I said as I looked down.

"If you don't, I'll tell EVERYONE that you like a loser like him." She said as she glared at me.

Olivia and Rose started to snicker. And it was at that moment that I knew. All along I was wrong. These girls aren't real friends to me. They never were, and they never would be.

"I can't do this anymore, you guys are so rude honestly." I said pointing to Olivia and Rose. "And you, I thought you were my friend, but you're just rude, and self centered." I said as I got up with tear-filled eyes.

I grabbed my stuff and ran out of her room, out of her house. I texted my Mom to pick me up, and she was there within a couple of minutes. Thankfully she didn't ask what happened. When I got home, I ran to my room and locked the door. 

I didn't care about what other people would think if Chloe told everyone I like Peter, which she definitely is going to do now, I cared about Peter himself finding out. I didn't think he liked me back, if anything, he probably hated me because of my group of friends.

I well asleep with tear stained cheeks, not at all looking forward to tomorrow at school. And to make matters worse, I no longer have friends. I never really did. Liz I guess is/was a friend, but is too pressured by Chloe, Flash, and the other girls, that she probably won't leave their side to even talk to tomorrow.

*The Next Day at School*
I managed to make it half way through the day so far. I had received several cold stares from Chloe and her little posse. I also managed to find a seat at a table by myself at lunch. I was currently sitting alone eating until I saw Chloe stand up on her chair.

"Hey everyone! Listen here! I have something to tell you all!" She said as she looked at me with a smirk.

No...no no no no no...

"See little miss Dawn over there, well she has a crush on a nerd. Not just any nerd, Peter, Peter Parker." She said.

Everyone burst out laughing, except for Liz. I looked over at Peter and his two friends Ned, and Michelle for a second, I looked for long enough to see none of them were laughing either.  Tears filled my eyes. I quickly got up and ran out of the cafeteria to the girls bathroom, and locked myself in a stall. I heard footsteps shortly after. They got closer and closer until they stopped right outside the bathroom door. The door opened and I heard someone walk in.

Great....It's probably Chloe, Rose, or Olivia, or worse all three...they're probably coming to make fun of me...or maybe even worse...

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