Space Pt. 1

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Your Pov:
I sat on a swing at the park and dangled my legs above the ground. Just as I was about to get up, I was pushed off my swing and onto the ground. I couldn't look up, I could only feel the pain take over me as someone kicked me over and over again. I had a secret weapon though, my telekinesis. I shot the person into the air and slammed them into a nearby tree. I got up and look towards the tree. Shoot. I thought as I realized the person was definitely a villain. Suddenly I was shot into the air and slammed into one of the metal play sets.

I groaned in pain and tried to get up, but I couldn't. The villain flew over to me and landed in front of me. He raised his hand ready to attack. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came. Instead, I heard a thwip, followed by a loud thud. I opened my eyes and saw the villain tied up, laying on the ground. I turned my head to the right and saw a figure in red and blue standing there staring at me. He began to reach his hand out and I shot him into the air. I still didn't know if he was on my side or not.

"Woah, woah, woah, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. You can put me down." He said.

I slowly lowered him back onto the ground and looked down. I've never really had an encounter with an actual villain before. Just criminals who do minor crimes, but that villain obviously knew I'm different, and had telekinesis too.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked as he took a step towards me.

     I took a step back and gasped when I began falling back off the play set. I didn't fall though. The guy put an arm around my waist and pulled me back up. Instead of just pulling me back up, he pulled me into his chest. I felt my cheeks heat up as I blushed.

"Oh um I'm sorry. My name is Spider-Man, but um you can call me Peter if you want. And I think your telekinesis is really cool." He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Thanks, not a lot of people know about it. I'm Y/n. Um who is that guy?" I ask as I point to the man tied up on the ground.

"This guy is a trooper that works for a very dangerous villain who lives in space."

"Then why is he sending his men here?"

"We don't know yet, but we're working on it. Obviously he knows that you're different. If he sent one of his men here after you, I'm sure he's going to send more. You should come with us to be safe.

"What do you mean us?" I ask confused.

"Let me show you." He said as he held out his hand.

     I hesitated at first, but finally decided to just take his hand. As soon as I did, he pulled me into his chest again.

"Hang on." He said.

     I wrapped my arms around his torso and he wrapped an arm around my waist. Even though he had a mask on, I knew he was smirking. He aims his free hand at the villain and shoots him down a few times with webs, before raising his hand towards the tallest tree in the park. Next thing I know, we're swinging through the air from trees, to lampposts, to buildings. I looked up at Peter and blushed when I looked at his arms. He looked super strong and I could see his muscles through his suit, and he was holding me with only one arm.

"Peter?" I ask.

"Yes Y/n?" He replies.

"How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen, how old are you?"

"I'm sixteen too."

     He doesn't say anything, instead he just nods. We swung through the air for a couple more minutes, until we reached the top of a tall brick building. He pulls his mask off and I can't help but admire how good looking he is.

"Follow me." He said as he offered me a hand.

     I shyly took it and he led me into the building. As we were walking in, I realized I still didn't even know what he looked like. He led me through the dark hallways until we finally reached a door. He slowly opened it and I looked down at our hands. We were still holding hands and our fingers were intertwined. He led me into the room. There were many adults gathered around a large table. They looked up as soon as we entered.

"Who's the girl, kid?" An older looking man with brownish hair asked confused, but I could tell he was also smirking for some reason.

"This is Y/n. One of Galactic Terrors troopers almost got her. They were after her because she's different. She has telekinesis." Peter explained.

"Telekinesis?" A very muscular man with blond hair questioned.

"Yes." Peter replied.

"Prove it." A man with long brown hair said.

     I looked up at Peter and he nodded. I slowly lifted the long brown haired man into the air.

"Woah, woah, woah! Okay, okay! I believe you!" He gasped as I carefully set him down.

"Are you two a couple or something?" A man with wings asked, gesturing towards our hands.

     We both blushed and quickly moved our hands away.

"No!" I squealed.

"Mhm, okay." A woman with red hair said, while all of them smirked.

     The oldish man with brown/gray hair stepped forward.

"Well kid, you're with us now. So let me start by introducing ourselves, we're the Avengers."

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