Rivals Pt. 1

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*This is during Captain America Civil War*
This story is in the you and the I form
I didn't know how I got dragged into this. Somehow, I had gotten dragged to Germany fight Stark's (Ironman's) team. I was currently standing on the side of an airport along with Captain America, Antman, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, and a few others. On the other side was Tony's team. I recognized all of them, except one. He was wearing a skintight red and blue suit, which basically looked like tights.

"Who should I take, Cap?" I asked.
"Take that spider-ling-boy." He replied.

I knew I was ready to fight any one of them. I had many powers. I could turn invisible, pick things up with a of my hand, and I had super speed. They called me Dash. Next thing I knew both teams were charging towards each other. Before I knew it, this spider-boy and I were only a few feet apart.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Dash, but clearly you're new to this. Fights usually don't have a lot of talking." I say as I turn invisible.

"What the! Where'd you go?" He asked spinning in a circle trying to spot me.
"Over here spidey-boy!" I say as I quickly take a step the other way.
He tried to shoot me with his webs, but missed.
"Actually, it's Spider-Man." He said still trying to find where I was.

"But you don't sound very old." I say, finally deciding to take a swing at him. I did, hitting him in the side of his head. He fell to the ground and groaned, but quickly got back up, trying even harder to find me, this time he has luck, his web managed to hit my right hand.

He chuckled. "Now I can see you."

"Ugh" I said before turning invisible again. "How do I get this stuff off?" I ask trying to pull it off.

"It will dissolve in about 2 hours." He says laughing at me.

"Two hours?! That's not quick enough!" I say using my powers to pull the webs off. To my luck, it worked.

"What, how did you do that?!" He asks looking amazed.

"My powers." I say.

Just then Clint (Hawkeye) ran up to us.

"Dash, I'm taking you back home." He said grabbing my hand. I run away with him. I look over my shoulder to see Spider-Man just standing there, watching us run away. That's when it hit me. He was from the same city as me, Queens. He was the reason I never went out as Dash, I didn't want to take his job or interfere.

Finally, Clint and I reached a jet that would take us back home. I was the first one to be brought home. Honestly, I was thrilled. I would finally get to see my boyfriend, Peter. I felt a little bad that I had lied to him and told him I was going to Germany to see my friends. Oddly, he had his Stark internship while I was gone, which is weird cause Tony was in Germany.

You sat on your bed. You wanted to go out into Queens, knowing there was a chance that Spider-Man might not be back yet. Screw it, you thought as you changed into your mask, ripped jeans, shirt, and boots. You crawled through your window and off into the night. You crawled onto a rooftop and sat there to rest after a while. You watched over the city, as you did, there was a sudden thwip from behind you, followed by a thud. Great. You thought, knowing exactly who it was. You turned around to see Spider-Man standing only a few feet away from you.

"Ugh... Why do you have to be here." I say as I roll my eyes.

"You live here? Also this is my city," he says.

"You don't own the city." I say.

"Whatever. I only came up here cause I saw you and Mr. Stark wants me to find you and bring you back to him." He says.

"Woah woah woah! Who said I'm letting you bring me to him?!" I say standing up.

"I did" he says raising his hand, and shooting a web at you.

You try to get out of the way, but it clings to your hand. Just as your about to use your magic to get it off, he shoots your other hand. He then tries to shoot you again, but you run in circles. He had hit you, and when you ran in circles, you two had gotten completely tangled up together.

"Great. I'm guessing we have to wait two hours now?!" I ask him with a sigh.

"Yeah.." he sighed.

"Great I was supposed to text my boyfriend!" I say as I look at the ground.

"Well I was supposed to text my girlfriend but now I'm tangled up and stuck with my rival." He says as he sighs again.

"Does your girlfriend know about you being Spider-Man?" I ask

"No, I want to tell her. I'm just scared... How about your boyfriend? Does he know about you?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Same reason as you." I say.

The both of us sat there talking while we waited for the two hours to be up. Finally, the webs dissolved. I was about to take my mask off to get some fresh air, when I stopped.

"Honestly it doesn't matter if you have a mask or not. Mr. Stark knows who you are, and he is gonna find you."

You sigh, knowing he was right. You pull of your mask and are relieved to finally be able to breathe. When you took your mask off, the eye lenses in his suit grew larger.

"I..I um...I have to go..." he says as he quickly uses his webs to swing away.

To be continued

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