My Fighter

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This one might be a bit sad.

Your Pov:
A week ago, I had no idea I was secretly ill. A week ago, I don't think I ever would've thought I'd end up in the hospital. But here I was, laying in a hospital bed, not doing well at all. I was in a lot of pain, due to the fact that I had to have surgery yesterday to get my appendix removed, otherwise it could've bursted and I could've died. I felt weak, like I couldn't bear anything anymore. I weakly closed my eyes, and everything went dark.

I "woke up" sometime later. I tried to move, and open my eyes but I couldn't. I tried to speak, but I couldn't. I could hear people speaking around me.

"She is in a coma, we don't know when she will wake up, and there's a very small chance she might not even wake up. All we can do is wait." I assume the doctor said.

"Come on! There's got to be something you people can do!" Someone shouted. I realized shortly after who the voice belonged to, Peter.

"I'm sorry sir, but there's nothing we can possibly do except wait." The doctor said. Shortly after, I heard the sound of the door closing, assuming that was the doctor.

I heard Peter sigh, and sit in the chair next to my bed. I felt a warm hand hold mine. I wanted more than anything to smile, to talk to him, to hug him, to kiss him, but all I could do was hear him. And thinking about how sad he probably was, that tore me apart.

*Two Weeks Later*
I felt myself "wake up" for what felt like the millionth time. I was broken inside. I don't even know how long I've been in a coma, but it's been too long. I can't stand hearing people and not being able to say anything. Hearing how sad and broken everyone sounds, but most of all, Peter. I tried to open my eyes, and unlike all my attempts, this one felt different. I tried my hardest, and the next thing I knew, my eyes slowly opened. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light. I felt a warm hand on mine and look to my left to see Peter, sound asleep in the chair next to my bed. His head rested on my bed, along with his hand that held mine.

I leaned down and softly kissed his hand. He stirred, and eventually sat up, still holding my hand. I smiled. He opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyes grew wide and his eyes teared up.

"Y/n..." He said as he kissed me softly.

"I missed you Peter...I heard everything and I wanted to talk to you and see you so badly, but I couldn't... how long was I in a coma?" I asked as my eyes teared up too.

"Two weeks.." he said as he looked into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Pete..." I said as I looked down.

"Hey, Hey, it's not your fault. It's okay, and I'm just glad you're alive." He said as he placed two fingers under my chin and gently lifted my head up so our eyes met.

"It was so hard to hold on Peter...I just wanted it all to end sometimes...I felt like I was going insane." I said sadly.

"I know babe, but you're strong. You're a fighter. You're my fighter." He said with a small smile as he pulled me into a gentle, but secure hug.

For the first time in weeks, I finally felt safe again.

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