Rivals Pt. 2

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Um..ok. That was weird you thought as you sigh and pull your mask back on and head home. As soon as you get home, you change into pajamas, and grab your phone to text Peter.

You: Hey Pete ❤️ I am home
Read 10:15 P.M.

You: Pete?
Read 10:16 P.M.

You: Peter! Why won't you answer me!?
Read 10:19 P.M.

You: Okay...fine...I...I will talk to you...later... :(
Read 10:21 P.M.

Your eyes geared up. Why won't he respond? You begin to cry, as you eventually fall asleep.

*Next Morning at school*
You walked down the hallway trying to find Ned. You found him after a couple of seconds and made your way over to him. Your heart dropped when you saw Peter standing next to him. When he saw you, his eyes went wide as he quickly told Ned something and ran off. You walked up to Ned with your head down and a sad look on your face.

"Hey Ned..." you sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Peter...last night..I texted him telling him I was back and he kept leaving me on read, so I just stopped texting. And today, when he saw me coming, he ran off." You told him as you looked down.

"Maybe he just needs time." Ned said as he patted your back.

"I hope so.." you say.

You spent the whole day wondering why he was ignoring you and avoiding you. You were relieved when school was finally out. All you wanted to do was talk to Spidey. You pulled your mask on and sat on the rooftop of your building. You sat by yourself, looking down at the busy street below you. It wasn't too long before you heard a familiar thwip and Spider-Man was sitting right beside you. You had taken your mask off, knowing he knew what you looked like already.

"You okay?" He asks you.

You just shake your head no.

"What's wrong?"

"My boyfriend...he's been ignoring me and avoiding me the past two days now.. and I don't even do anything to him.." You say as your eyes fill with tears.

"Well maybe he just needs some time." He says

"For what? What could he possibly need time for? I didn't do anything and he would've told me if I did or if something was wrong." I say as I look down at the cars passing by.

"Maybe he's just scared and wants to tell you why, but he's afraid." He says softly.

You two had talks like this for the next two weeks. You were becoming more and more sad and broken though. Peter has still been ignoring and avoiding you.

"I can't take it much longer Spidey"...I say as I cry. "I miss him... I need him..." I say as I scoot closer to the edge of the rooftop and watch the cars.

He quickly pulls me back and closer to him though.

"I can't do this anymore." He says.

You look up at him confused. "What do you mean?" You ask him.

He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you up so you and him are both standing. He then reaches for the edge of his mask, before pulling up it off.

"P....P....Peter...?" You ask softly as your jaw drops to the floor. Your knees become weak and you begin to fall.

He catches you though, and hold you in his arms tightly. He then crashes his lips onto yours giving you a rough, yet soft kiss. He quickly pulls away, but still hold onto you tightly. He looks deeply into your eyes.

"Why...why didn't you talk to me..." You say as your heart sinks.

"I was afraid...I didn't know if I should tell you or not. I didn't want you to be hurt.." he says as you see the guilt and sorrow in his eyes.

"I understand..it hurt Pete..I just wanted to be with you...I was losing myself Pete..." I say as tears fill my eyes. I look down to the ground.

"I'm so sorry princess...I never meant to hurt you. I wanted to be with you so bad... but I was afraid..Im here now though, and I'm not going anywhere." He says as he places to fingers on you chin, lifting your head up, and hugging you.

"I forgive you Pete." You say with a smile.

"But we can't be together..." You say as you pause for a while, before you speak up again. "We're rivals." You say as you giggle.

He chuckles. "Come here you." He says as he picks you up in his arms, before placing you down and kissing you softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too Pete."

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