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May, 2017
Evelyn's Apartment

Toni's Pov

It's been weeks since the good news. Janet is now officially mines and no one else's. She kicked that sneaky slimy good for nothing heffa out and gave all her attention to me. Everyday has been a blast and I couldn't ask for anything else. We were making up for the lost years and it's been amazing. My sisters and mother has been down my back about why I'm smiling so much. I know they know I've got someone special in my life but they have no clue who it was. I decided that today I should just come out and let them know. I know Tamar's gonna flip because she's been rooting for us and so has mommy.

I put my shoes on then met Jan downstairs. She slept over well technically she had no choice...she couldn't move if you know what I mean she she had to stay. I convinced her to go with me. I met Jan in the kitchen and I caught her raiding my fridge...fat ass.

Toni: You keep it up and it's all gonna go straight to your ass.

Janet: Wouldn't you like that?

Toni: Hell yea

Janet: *eats chocolate covered strawberries*

Toni: And who told you that you can eat those?

Janet: My stomach

Toni: Fat ass...let's go mommy's making biscuits.

She hopped off the counter top so fast I thought someone pushed her. She ran to the car and sat waiting still eating my damn strawberries. If there's one thing that makes Janet happy besides sex, that's food. You wanna make her your best friend? Buy her fat ass some food and watch her cling to you like some damn tick but don't ever get her strawberries or she'll never leave your side.

I got in the car and began our journey. We drove in a comfortable silence as she stroked the side of my face lovingly. I could feel her staring a hole into the side of my head so I looked at her. She had tears in her eyes as she smiled at me.

Toni: Baby what's wrong?

Janet: Nothing baby

Toni: Are you sure baby? You know you can tell me anything

Janet: I just love you that all. I can't believe you came back to me.

I took her hand and kissed it. I felt the same way she felt. I don't know what I'd do if I were to lose this woman. She is truly my better half and I'd do anything to hold on to her love. I finally pulled in to mommy's driveway and before I could park, Janet jumped out of the car. I hurried and parked and ran up to her before she could ring the doorbell.

Toni: Slow there tiger. I know you're excited but this is supposed to be a surprise.

Janet: But she's making biscuits *pouts*

Toni: Hey stop'll get your damn biscuits *rolls eyes*

Janet: I hope she made neck bones and Mac and cheese too *smiles*

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