Chapter 2

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'Are you feeling okay?' Shivaay asked Anika being extremely concerned for her.

Anika simply nodded her head as she tried to make herself comfortable in that position. Her legs were placed on top of some recliner. There was a curtain covering her view from what's happening but still, she was quite scared. She said that she was okay, but in real, she was controlling her goosebumps. She glanced at Shivaay who was standing next to her. He smiled as soon as their gazes meet. Her fear vanished for a second seeing his reassuring smile. 

They were already eight days late for the procedure as Anika's ovulation was delayed. A woman's hormones were never predictable or stable. She thought that she was completely ready for the procedure but as the dates got nearer, she began to freak out. She wasn't this afraid when she had to have a sexual intercourse. She began to have doubts with her decision and was even considering to just simply get laid with someone to have a baby, but that was when she remembered Shivaay. He was already betrayed once by his life partner, she doesn't want him to be betrayed by his best friend too. She had took this decision selfishly in the beginning, thinking of herself only, but now the man standing next to her was one of the main reasons she's lying on the recliner bed.

 Dr.Zoya had even suggested some drugs to induce her ovulation, but say it magic or what, the day when she decided to do this for Shivaay and not for herself, her luteinizing hormone began to rise and it had peaked yesterday. Hence, technically Anika would be ovulating today which makes it the perfect day to have the insemination to be done. Shivaay had already did his part of the procedure and now it's on her. She was trying to relax herself as they await for Shivaay's 'washed' sperms. It was important in an artificial insemination as some of the chemicals in his semen might be detected as harmful and hence rejected by her body's second-line defense system.

'Alright. I've got the 'washed' sperms. Shall we get started with the insemination?' Dr.Zoya asked as she came there with a syringe that was quite big than the usual sizes. 

The sight of the syringe brought back all the fear that she had brushed off earlier and she began to hyperventilate. Shivaay rushed to her sensing her trouble. 

'I'm scared!' she confessed truthfully as he took her right hand in his and brushed her hair with the other hand.

'Okay. Let's not do it then. We will do it when you are completely ready' Shivaay spoke almost right away as he couldn't see her being afraid like that. She was literally shivering and sweating at the same time. He did wanted the procedure to be completed as soon as possible but that desire was nothing compared to Anika's fear.

'We're sorry Dr.Zoya, but is it possible for us to postpone the date?' Shivaay asked right away. He didn't want to take any chance in this matter. They had waited this long, what difference does one more month makes?

'No! Shiv. Let's do it today!' Anika rebuked while Dr.Zoya just looked at them both confused and decided to not interfere unless such situation arose. 

'Anika, look at yourself first. You look so pale, as white as chalk! I'm not going to let you do this when you are this afraid. We'll take our time' Shivaay reprimanded her.

'Shivaay, it took me a lot to be here on this bed right now. I don't want to chicken out at the last minute. Just stay by me. I'll be fine. I want this to be done today, please' Anika pleaded to him. 

Dr.Zoya had asked him to keep her distracted from thinking about what will happen to her during the insemination. They knew that she wanted this very bad, but her fear was stopping her. She was fighting her fear, but then, for the child. She said, all these would be nothing when they would finally be able to hold the baby nine months later. A strange kind of pride shoot up in Shivaay, making his chest to rise involuntarily when he heard her saying that. He knew then and there that he could not have found someone better than her to give birth to his child. No, scratch that. Their child

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