Chapter 4

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Shivaay and Anika looked at each other throughout the time Zoya had explained what she saw in their relationship. They were so lost and engrossed in each other's eyes that the hoots and whistles from Aditya and Om didn't reach their ears.

'They are in love with each other right?' Zoya asked hopefully.

'Yes! They are! Not just recently but from college days itself!' Gauri told her.

'But everyone else except for these two can see it!' Om exasperated.

'We shall do something to make them realize then!' Aditya suggested earning a thumbs up and great job from everyone else there.

'Idea is there, but what exactly are you planning to do?' Gauri asked.

'I haven't think about that yet, but don't worry. I'll figure something out. I'm a lawyer yaar. I know how to manipulate laws and all' Aditya said proudly only to receive glares from the rest.

'What are you guys whispering about?' asked Anika, who had just stepped out from the trance.

'Nothing. We weren't whispering anything. It's not like we have some big life-changing secret which needs confirmation before telling it to our friends' Gauri replied right away, still hurt with the fact that Anika had kept a huge secret from her.

'Gauri!' Om reprimanded her slightly.

'Sorry!' Gauri asked for forgiveness right away. She genuinely wanted to move on from the fact that two of her close friends had kept secret from her, but she couldn't help it. She was always the straight-forward one in their gang. 

'Hey, guys! Do you know what day it is today?' Aditya yelped in surprise all of the sudden, breaking the silence that prevailed after the blunt sarcastic comment of Gauri, making the others there to jerk in shock. Zoya, irritated by his sudden yelp slapped him on his arms.

'It's Saturday Aditya!' Anika stated plainly.

'Nahi re! I didn't expect this from you though Ani!' Aditya cribbed.

'Is it a match day?' Shivaay asked in doubt, silently praying it shouldn't be a match day.

'YES!!!' Aditya excitedly beamed.

'Which teams are up against?' Gauri asked.

'CSK and MI!' Aditya shrieked. 

'DHONI!' shrieked Anika and Gauri together.

'There goes the dinner plan' Zoya sighed.

'Thank God, Rian and Rithik are in their Nani's house' Om exhaled in relief.

'I'm going to be a zombie again tomorrow' Shivaay sighed. 

'What time is the match starting?', Anika asked being excited to watch her one true love, Mahendra Singh Dhoni play.

'It would be at night right? As usual 8 p.m. Only on Sundays we have two matches' Gauri stated the fact.

'Oh yeah! I forgot!' Anika said sadly. Ever since she had been a divorcee and began working under Shivaay Singh Oberoi, in the Oberoi Industries, her life revolved only around two things. The first one is work and the second one is Shivaay. They did meet up for match nights once in a while, after the divorce, but it wasn't as exciting as it used to be in college. Everyone was busy in their own life. Gauri was pregnant with the twins, Aditya was handling his father's firm and Anika herself was dealing with things emotionally and physically.

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