Chapter 6

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'No! Please don't... stop!!!' Anika woke up startled yet again.

It was the same nightmare. She had just entered her house, smiling wide from ear to ear as she wanted to surprise her husband with her early arrival from the vacation. It was around 10 in the morning. She had expected her husband to be still sleeping as it was a Sunday and he usually sleeps through the morning on Sundays. Placing all her luggages by the door of her room, Anika stealthily walked in. The scene in front of her eyes had literally snatched the ground beneath her feet, her husband was kissing another woman frantically as he was thrusting hard into her, and to rub salt on her wound, it was that very bed where they had made love. She pleaded them to stop, but all her cries didn't made them stop. In fact, they had turned towards her and continued the heinous act of them while smirking evilly at Anika.

Screaming frantically, Anika woke up from the nightmare. It was the same nightmare, again, again and again. She's had it ever since she saw that disgusting act of her ex-husband. It was only once she had witnessed it, but it still haunts her. It used to be everyday, and then, it reduced once she started taking sleeping pills to avoid the dreams. Being pregnant now, she had stopped consuming the sleeping pills as it will leave an adverse effect on the baby, but little did she knew that it will leave an adverse effect on her.

Recovering from the nightmare, still shivering, Anika checked the time. It was nearly five in the morning, the usual time her nightmare used to wake her up. Shrugging away the thoughts of her nightmare, Anika got down from her bed with the urge to empty her stomach. Morning sickness. After that, she began to get ready and waited by the door for Shivaay. It was her daily routine ever since she got pregnant. Just when she's all ready, Shivaay would be by the door with a wide smile plastered on his face and their breakfast in his hand.

'Good morning, love!' Shivaay wished her and entered the house.

'Good morning, Shiv. What's for breakfast today?' Anika inquired as she peeked into the paper bag he was holding.

'Pancakes with maple syrup, some scrambled eggs to go with it and also mashed potatoes. Which one first?' Shivaay asked while emptying the contents of the container onto her plate.

'All together at once!' Anika grinned widely.

Shivaay chuckled at her reaction and ruffled her hair. She began indulging herself in the breakfast he had brought, while Shivaay adored her eating antics. The faces that she made upon having each spoon of the food, and the moan which indicates how delicious the food was undeniably the best way to get his morning kick-started.

In the office, during lunch break, Shivaay and Anika were about to leave together when Aditya came in along with Om.

'Mr.Hooda and Mr.Kapoor are here? That too together? This must be something very important then!' Shivaay teased as they entered his cabin meanwhile Anika just chuckled at his wittiness.

'Shivaay, Anika, there's something I have to tell you both. Please calm down and listen to me first, okay?' Aditya began the conversation right away without further wasting any more of their time.

'Okay, AD, you are kinda scaring us, what is it?' Anika asked him.

'Anika, I'm afraid your worry was justified this time around. I'm so sorry Ani' Aditya apologized to Anika.

Upon hearing those words from Aditya, Anika's happy face turned sad. She was no longer smiling. An unknown, new worry was clearly making her forehead to crease.

'What worry? What's going on?' Shivaay asked, being unable to understand what was going on.

'Shivaay, in India, unmarried couples can't have a child. That child, despite having a father will be referred as an illegitimate child and will not get his or her father's name. He or she will have his or her mother's maiden surname and even in the birth certificate, the father's column will be left empty' Om explained.

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