| Bonus Chapter 3 |

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'Shivaay, she's still not stopping her cry. I'm so worried. Normally, she doesn't cry this long!' Anika informed Shivaay while cradling a crying Anshi in her arms.

'I know! But there's nothing you can do by crying like this yourself, right?' Shivaay reprimanded her a little as he took Anshi in his arms.

'Anshi is crying non-stop from just now until she could hardly breath properly now. And you expect me to not cry? Her fever has not reduced a tiny bit since afternoon. I know that doctor said we have to give her some time for the medicines to work, but it has been long enough already, hasn't it?' Anika broke into tears while sharing her worry to Shivaay.

Shoving Anshi into his left arm, Shivaay held Anika with his right hand and pulled her into a hug.

'Anika, it's normal for babies to catch fever when they're teething! Calm down!' Shivaay whispered against her hair as she finally composed herself from the sobs.

'She can't even express her pain like I'm doing right now!' Anika sniveled into his chest.

Shivaay brushed and planted some kisses on both his lifelines' hair to calm them down. That was the only way both his girls would be able to pull themselves together. Holding them both close to his chest, Shivaay slowly swayed from left to right and back to left in a constant rocking motion to cool them down. His heart ache badly upon seeing both their crying faces. He knew that he was not responsible for their cry, still it pained him. And within minutes, Anshi fell asleep in his arms while Anika was still silently crying against his chest. 

'Anika, hey, see Anshi is sleeping. She's no longer crying. See.' Shivaay called out to Anika.

Sniffing in her nose, Anika peeked out from her hiding place and took a look at Anshi. Her tear-stained face was finally having some calmness in it. Her eyes were still wet with fresh tears but they were shut tightly and her tiny fists were clutching Shivaay's kurta pajama tightly. 

'I'll put her in the crib first, okay?' Shivaay said, making Anika break away from him. 

Shivaay took Anshi and proceeded towards her crib. He placed her on her small bed very carefully as Anika covered her with her soft, white blanket and placed the tiny bolsters at either side of Anshi, so that she will not roll off to the edge of the crib and hurt herself. 

'She's in so much of pain, Shivaay.' Anika whispered in silent tears while slowly caressing her her hair.

'It's normal, Anika. Please calm down and don't stress yourself like this!' Shivaay advised and went ahead to pull her into a hug.

'She can't express her pain like I'm doing now. And I can't even calm her down. I had to call you up in the middle of the night. What kind of mother am I, Shivaay? I'm a terrible mother, Shivaay!' Anika broke down into his arms yet again.

'Shusshh! Calm down. Cry as much as you want. Then, we will talk, okay? Now, come, let's go down. Let Anshi sleep for a while. Only then the medicines will work, okay?'

Anika nodded and held Shivaay's hand tightly as both of them walked down to the kitchen. It has been three months since Shivaay had proposed Anika for marriage. Anshi is now an active and cheerful nine months old baby. Teething is the one process which happens quicker to baby girls rather than baby boys and being her mother's daughter, Anshi began to teeth a bit later than other babies. Even Anika was a late bloomer, according to her parents. Despite the fact of inheriting most of her traits from her mother, Anshi had possessed some of the best qualities of her father as well. The most significant and obvious trait was her eyes. She has the Xerox copy of Shivaay's calm blue-green eyes. Apart from that, she's also a very sensitive, smart and caring baby for her age. She used to throw tantrums when she was younger, but one day, when Anika began to cry upon not being able to handle her tantrum, Anshi had hugged her mother tightly and planted sloppy kisses on her, just the way Shivaay does. She was a happy kid most of the time, but teething was something extremely painful for her. Despite her trying very hard to not cry, the pain and fever took the upperhand, making her crave for her father. Hence, Anika had to call him up in the middle of the night. Plus, even Anshi knew that her mother was being unable to function properly without her father.

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