Chapter 18: Goodbye Jacob

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Ryder's POV

It's Saturday now. It's been 6 days since the party. Jacob and I haven't talked, haven't text, we're really over...this is real. I hate Jacob, I hate what he did, I hate everything about him.

Jacob's POV

 I lay in tears in bed all night. I need her. I decided to finally send her text after 6 days of no communication. "Ryder, Can we talk?"  I texted her anxiously waiting for a reply. "What's there to talk about? You kissed Rebecca, the girl who tried to kill you. I thought you loved me, I really did. I only kissed Chris to make you jealous, not because I actually wanted too. I liked it though. Jacob we're over. Pretend I never moved across the street and we never fell in love. Goodbye Jacob."  This was Ryder's text. I immediatly ran to the bathroom and sunk to the ground. The words "Goodbye Jacob" kept repeating in my head. I pulled up my shorts to reveal the cuts, it was like a warzone. I couldn't cut anymore, I couldnt  take this anymore. I went downstairs, got my backpack, and went to Ryder's house. I  didn't even knock on the door, I just walked in. "Ryder, I know you're upstairs, It's me Jacob. I know you probably hate me and thats okay, I hate me too. I made a stupid stupid mistake that I will probably never forgive myself for, so I don't expect you too either. Ryder..these past 6 days have been hell without you, I would cry myself to sleep every single night and I've been cutting...a lot. I need you, more than you need me, so can you please come down here, so I can see your face?"  I waited for her reply, but she said nothing. I walked upstairs and into her bedroom. I saw her laying in her bed..with Chris. "Are you fucking serious right now?? I literally just poured my heart out to you and you're in bed with this behemoth??" I yelled. "Jacob..I c-" I cut her off. "No cut the bullshit! Do you love me Ryder?" I asked "Jacob Ple-" She tried to say. "No! Answer me Ryder, Do you love me?" I asked again. "No." She said softly. My heart sank. I felt like my world just came crashing down. "Okay. I will always still love you though. You were my first true love." I said with tears swelling in my eyes. I walked out of the room, but came back quickly. "Oh and Chris go eat a back a dicks you gorilla." I said flipping him off. I walked downstairs and ran back to my house and I just went to my bed and sobbed. 

Ryder's POV

I can't  believe I just said that. "Chris, get. the. fuck. out." I yelled at him. "Baby why?" He said. "JUST DO IT!" I screamed. He left and I ran to my bathroom. I do love Jacob, so much, why would I ever say something like that? I screamed and punched the mirror. I looked at my knuckles, they were bloody and some pieces of glass stuck in my skin. I coutinued to scream and punch the mirror and knock over vases. I couldn't help to think of how stupid I am! I hate myself.  I opened the drawer and took out my Uncle's perscription pills. I then remembered he came home tommorow. I opened the bottle and poured  all the pills in my hand. I threw them all in my mouth at once and choked them down. I sunk down into the floor and started to bawl. Then everything went black. 

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