Chapter 14: Hurt

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Ryder's POV

It's been about a week since the accident and Jacob is doing pretty well, he is slowly just starting to walk again. I've skipped a week of school, I knew if Uncle Jared were here, he would be furious, but luckily he doesn't come back until another 2 weeks. I know I have to go to school today though. I rode my pennyboard alone and it was sort of depressing because I missed Jacob being there right by my side. I walked into the school hallway and everyone just looked at me. Then I saw Rebecca strut up to me. "Oh my god Ryder, is Jacob alright, what happened?" She asked. "Uhm his car brakes stopped working and he got in a car accident, he's fine." I replied. "Omg, I wonder how that happened!" Rebecca said as she winked. She pushed pass me and yelled back at me "I told you, you would regret staying with him!" She laughed and struted away. I got on my pennyboard and rode outside and started to ride to the hospital, but stopped and realized what she had done. She cut Jacob's brakes so he could get hurt and she know that would hit me harder than If I got hurt. Oh my god. I started to cry. Could she really be this evil?? I started to ride again to the hospital to tell Jacob what happened. As soon as I got there, I ran through the doors and ran to Jacob's room, he was awake. "Ryder, what's up?" He said. "Jacob I know why your brakes didn't work!!" I yelled. "What..? they cut out, natural accident." He said. "No Jacob no..Rebecca cut the brakes so she could hurt me, because she knows that if she hurt you, it would hurt me so much more." I said. Jacob looked at me and he looked like he was about to cry. "Why would she do that?" He asked. "Because she told me to stay away from you and if I didn't then I would regret it..." I explained. A tear shed from his eye. "Jacob are you okay? It's fine, she won't hurt you anymore." I said. "I'm not crying because she hurt ME, I'm crying because what if she hurts YOU." 

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