Chapter 15: Need

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Jacob's POV

I miss Ryder every second I'm not with her, I miss her bright green eyes, I miss her perfect white smile, I just miss her beautiful face. I don't want anything to happen to her, because if she got hurt, my heart would break into a million pieces. I need to protect her. I'm sick of being in this stupid hospital, not being able to walk, having countless migranes, I just want everything to be like it was, before this happened, before Rebecca came into my life. Meeting Ryder was the best thing that has ever happened to me, but also the worst. 

Rebecca's POV

I told that bitch Ryder she would regret staying with my one true love, Jacob. Of course I didn't want to hurt him, but I gotta do what I gotta do to hurt Ryder, plain and simple. 

Ryder's POV 

Another school day without Jacob, great. I just need someone to talk to..I wish my Uncle Jared would come home faster. It feels like I'm living in the past again, when I was back in California. I never want to feel like that again, ever. I just want Jacob. I actually don't want him, I need him.  

*FlashFoward to the next morning*

Ryder's POV

Ugh it's only Wednesday. Why is this my life?? I struggle to get out of bed and when I finally do, I put on my Bob Marley shirt and some short shorts, with my vans. I throw my long brown hair in a messy ponytail and leave. I get to school and see Rebecca staring me down. I just try to ignore her and walk away, but I feel like her eyes are a lazer burning into my soul. I then start to notice everyone start laughing at me. I look at her and wonder what's going on. I look on the walls and see pictures of me photoshopped to look like I'm a prostitute that has sex for free. People start to throw trash at me and I look over at Rebecca, she starts to laugh hysterically. I felt the tears swell in my eyes and moments later I'm sobbing.  As I leave, guys call my name, while pointing at their dicks. I didn't even ride my pennyboard home, I just ran, as fast as I could. When I got home I went to my bathroom and slammed the door. I sinked down on the floor and started to cry even harder. I then saw some razor blades on the counter...No I couldn't, I've never cut I can't. I get up off the floor and look at myself in the mirorr. My eyes and nose we red and my face was drenched in tears. I wish my mom was here. She always comforted me when I was hurting...why isn't she here when I need her most?

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