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"Your mom is the sweetest! I wish mine was like that."

"Oh trust me, you don't want someone who can destroy your hearing in the matter of days."

She couldn't help but laugh, "well at least you got someone who truly care for you and that is the most important thing right?"

Quite; he didn't say anything.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make everything awkward."

Didn't get any answer, she begin to panic, "Oh God I just make everything even more awkward did I? I'm so stupid I should've not-"

"Pfft," at first it was only a chuckle but then it turn into a laughter that is contagious. "You think too much, you know that?"

She shake her head up and down, "You are not the first person who say that."

"I bet."

It looks like she is busy with her thought so he opened his mouth, "It is fine you know, there are good side in everything."

She wasn't sure whether it was for the 'overthinking' part of the conversation or was it for the 'mom' part but either way she still thank him for that.

The car began to slow down but she did not see any café or civilization and so she knit her eyebrows together when he says, "We are here."

A part inside her wanted her to ask but the other part of her told her to wait and trust him.

Opening the door, he gave her his hand, "Shall we?"

They climb up the little hill and then before she even know it, he already sit on the now-spread- towel on the ground near them while tapping the space near him for her to join him.

"This is-" she doesn't know how to put it on words, but I can describe it. You will think that this place only exist in movies and comics but no they are not, because I saw it with my own eyes. We are on the top of a hill in literally nowhere near human's civilization. It was a bit of a struggle for an un-sporty person like me to go up that hill but it was really worth it. Anyway, at the top of the hill, I am stunned. It is a beautiful and clear view of the ocean, I can see how the ocean touches the sky at the very end and not to mention,

"We arrive just in time for the golden hour, I hope you like it..."

"You kidding me? I love it!" she jumped towards him and hug him tightly, "thank you, I don't know what I do to deserve any of this..."

"Hey," he pushed her backward gently so that he can see her face clearly, "you deserve all of this. Instead, you deserve every good thing that the world could offer."

Her heart beat rapidly because their face are only an inch away from each other and by reading his gesture, his hand on her cheek and his head is a little bit tilted to the side, she know what about to come so she close her eyes.

But nothing happens. "I made us a sandwich, do you wanna taste it?"

"Y-yeah sure..." she forces herself to smile but deep inside her she feels disappointed. I almost hate him for that but then I saw his ears are red, and right there I knew that he is trying so hard not to kiss me and so at that moment, she smile, ear to ear, from her heart.

He deserves a chance.


Disappointed? don't worry, I won't let you down on the next chapter. Anyway, don't forget to vote and I'll see you on my next chapter.

with love,



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