Visiting the Market

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“Do you want me to give you a tour?” Weston asked Ember when he had finally caught up after Ember had left the cells.

            “Sure. I’d also like my stuff.” Ember told him.

            “That can be arranged.” Weston smiled and Ember couldn’t help but smile back.


            “I’ll start by showing you where you can stay for the night.” Weston walked in front of Ember on a skinny dirt path. They walked by several small huts before reaching a lone hut.

            Weston opened the door and ushered Ember in. Her two bags were sitting on the floor by a tiny table.

            “I had Bray bring your stuff here.”

            “Thanks.” Ember was trying not to speak too much to Weston.

            Weston then led Ember out of the hut and showed her where the market was and where the school was and then he explained the building that Ember had woken up in.

            “It’s a Medicine Lodge as we call it. People can stay there as long as they need and get medical treatment. Everyone has their own private rooms.”

            “Oh that makes sense.”

            “You don’t talk too much do you?” Weston asked as he walked her back to the hut she was staying in.

            “I normally talk more than this but I was trying not to talk much.” Ember explained simply.

            “Look Ember, I can be a friend and I don’t care if you talk to me.” Weston said nicely.

            “Thanks, I’ll remember that.” Ember smiled for the second time at him. He made sure to smile back.


            Once Weston had left, Ember decided to visit the market. Weston had given her two hundred coins so she could go check it out. He had said that some of the shops had different foods and magic items and animals.

            If Ember was being completely honest, she was really excited to go down to the market.

            The first shop Ember visited had many different types of plants to eat and Ember spent ten coins there. The next shop had some clothing and Ember bought another shirt there for twenty coins.

            Ember had two more shops to go in and she had one hundred fifty coins left. She hadn’t bought something in every shop but if she had some left she would probably go back.

            The second to last shop was a magic items shop and when Ember walked in she could instantly tell that this was the shop for her. There were several shelves of books and the rest of the shelves had items. The whole shop was cluttered and crowded but Ember liked it. There was also only one light so Ember thought of a ball of light sitting in her hand and a second later she saw a white and yellowish orb sitting in her hand.

            Ember grinned and began exploring.

            A staff glittered on a shelf and Ember’s eyes were drawn to it. When she could fully see it, she let out an audible gasp. That was the famous staff wielded by Itarildë.

            Everyone knew the name but not many knew the full story. Yet, the staff was sitting right there in the very shop Ember was in.

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