A Stygian Creature

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Ember, Ash, and Weston all returned back into the Stygian Forest after Ash had changed his clothes.

            Although Ash had put up quite a fight over the matter of Weston joining them, Ember had persuaded him that Weston couldn’t do any harm and that they may need his assistance and knowledge.

            Ash had had no choice but to back down and he did so very reluctantly.

            “Where are we going next?” Ash asked Ember as they walked into the trees. Ember turned to face Ash before answering.

            “I have heard of this city called Uskll and it’s not too far from here. I guess we should head there next.” That was the truth. Ember had heard of a place called Uskll and it was near. She just didn’t reveal the part about how she read it in that journal. The journal was proving to be quite interesting and even helpful. Ember felt that Miss Delios must have known something more than she ever let on.

            “Fine. Where did you get that staff?” Ash demanded. He was still angry about Weston accompanying them and Ember couldn’t blame him but she had made a decision and she was going to stand by it. Ember had noticed when Ash asked about the staff, that Weston perked up and looked to her and was waiting for the answer as well.

            “Somewhere.” Ember didn’t trust Ash and definitely not Weston enough to tell them the truth about the staff. She wasn’t sure if the staff was causing her paranoia or if she really just didn’t trust either one with information about her staff.

            “Fine, be that way.” Ash grumbled. Ember sighed and kept walking, picking up the speed a little. She smiled when she noticed Lev prancing up ahead of her. Lev was staying in the vicinity of them and was causing no trouble whatsoever. Anytime any of them stopped even for a second, Lev came running from where ever he was and went to Ember.

            Weston suddenly stopped walking and was staring into the trees. Ember turned around and walked back to him with Ash following.

            “What is it?” Ember whispered to Ash.

            “I’m...not sure. I thought I heard a growl...and then something scuttling across leaves and branches.” Weston answered in an equally hushed tone.

            Ember paled and froze where she was. She had read about creatures that fit Weston’s description in the books she had brought with her.

            “Stop talking!” She hissed at Weston and Ash who had been quietly arguing over who was going to man up and find out what it was.

            “What’s wrong Ember?” Ash asked with concern lacing his voice.

            “It’s a Scuttleroach.” Ember explained.

            “What’s th-”

            Ash was interrupted when a big creature sprung out of the trees Weston and Ash had been staring into. It was shaped like a normal roach but about ten times bigger. It was, no kidding, gigantic. It had a black hard outer shell, that sparkled ever so slightly in the sun and it’s black, beady eyes with red dots in the middle glistened in the dark and the light. It’s ten pairs of legs hurried along the ground racing towards the retreating Weston and Ash.

            Ash attempted to use an Element skill to destroy the Scuttleroach but the only thing that happened, was a loud crack echoed through the air.

            “It’s immune to Elements and magic!” Ember shouted. The Scuttleroach turned to face Ember upon hearing her voice ring out across the forest.

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