The Search Begins

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Ember stood still as she reread the first letter over and over again. Its date was the exact day Ember had left with Ash. Ember now had more questions than ever. Why would it do Ember harm to send Alyey a letter? Why did Dune get a letter? How did Alyey know what Dune was doing? And most importantly, where was Alyey now?

Ember didn't read the others. She knew she didn't have time. When she heard footsteps approaching, she dropped the letters and fled, tears sliding down her face. She ran fast and hard through the empty halls.

It was only when she ran into a body that Ember realized she had forgotten Lev.

"Ember, what took you so long?" Lucas growled. He was livid.

"I- I was just-"

"No more excuses! We had a plan and you didn't stick with it. How am I supposed to trust you?" He snapped. He didn't give Ember a chance to respond. He grabbed her arm and took off running.

They ran out the secret passageway and out on the other side of the fence.

A girl was standing outside staring up at the sky. The stars were twinkling above them.

The girl turned to face them and a smile lit up her face.

"Ember!" She cried excitedly. She rushed at Ember and wrapped her in a hug.

"Violet?" Ember whispered.

"Yes! Oh wow, I missed you so much! And your hair, it's still purple." Violet said all of this very quickly.

"You're the spy?"

"Yes, yes and I have Lev too." She pointed down at the ground. Ember bent down and scooped Lev into her arms.

"He's getting big." Ember murmured.

"We have to go." Lucas glared at Ember. "And on the way back, you're telling us exactly what you were doing." He left no room for argument.

They set off away from Helvna. Ember was glad they were leaving, but also surprisingly sad. She was leaving her home yet again.


Dune stared down at the letters scattered all over the floor. He knew Ember had taken something, but he didn't think it has been the letters.

An overwhelming wave of sadness suddenly hit him. She had read one. The first letter he had ever received from Alyey now had tear stains on it.

It hadn't always been this way between Dune and Ember. Dune remembered a time when they had loved each other. Deep down, Dune knew he still loved Ember, but he had to do this. He had to help Darkett and Darkett's brother; Christopher.

He hunched over and slowly began picking up the letters.


Lucas didn't look any happier after Ember had told him what she had done. In fact, if anything, he got angrier.

Upon their arrival in Bel, Lucas directed her to the cabin she had been in the first time she was here.

"Wait here." He said stonily.

Five minutes later, Lucas reappeared. "I don't know why you think you can do whatever you want."

"I don't know why you think you can tell me what to do and what not to do." Ember spat out.

"You're careless and make stupid decisions!"

"And you're an asshole." Ember stood up and walked right out of the cabin.

It was dark and the stars were still shining brightly. Ember walked towards the outskirts of Bel. A beautiful, tall tree stood before her. Ember ran her hand along the bark.

Then, she started to climb.

Three fourths of the way up, she sat on a sturdy branch and leaned against the tree. Everything was so peaceful up here. Nothing to worry about. Ember closed her eyes and thought of Toret. She missed him. She hoped he was okay, and had made it home safely.

"Ember." A voice whispered up at her. Ember looked down at the ground.

Lucas was standing there, looking attractive. Just like the first time she had seen him.

"What do you want?" Ember hissed.

"Can I please come up?"

"Woah, you actually said 'please'." Ember felt her lips form into a smile.

"Yeah, so can I come up?"

"I guess."

Lucas started to climb. He sat next to Ember.

"Isn't it just beautiful?" Lucas asked. Ember nodded.

"I wanted to apologize. I've been a real jerk."

"I know." Ember said.

"I think I need to probably beg for your forgiveness."

"Correct." Ember grinned.

"Ember Anala, will you, in all of your glorious beauty, please forgive me, a stupid, arrogant, idiot?" He said it so seriously that Ember couldn't help but laugh.

She laughed and laughed and laughed, and then fell backwards. Luckily, she was able to grasp the branch with her hand.

"Lucas! Pull me up!" Ember was hanging upside down, desperately trying to strengthen her grip on the branch.

"Give me your other hand."

Ember tried to place her other hand in Lucas's outstretched hand. She simply couldn't reach.

"Keep trying." Lucas said calmly.

Ember reached down far and then quickly brought her whole body up. Momentum, a wonderful thing.

Too wonderful.

Ember collided into Lucas, and they both fell back the opposite way. Ember and Lucas screamed as they plummeted down towards the lake.

They were still holding on to each other when they hit the water with a large splash.

Lucas resurfaced first, and was quickly followed by Ember. They looked at each other and started laughing.

Lucas stopped first. He looked at Ember's beautiful smiling face.

"I trust you, Ember." He whispered.

"I trust you too, Lucas." Ember smiled. "I forgive you too."


The next day, Ember announced that she was going to be leaving. She had to search for Alyey. That was the only way for her questions to be answered.

"I'm coming with you." Lucas said instantly.

Ember nodded. She wasn't going to tell him he couldn't come. She would probably need the help anyways.

"I'm coming, too." Violet exclaimed. Ember nodded again.

"Get ready. We're leaving in ten minutes."

Ember had determined that Lev was going to stay with a young girl named Annie. Annie was sweet and had promised to take good care of Lev.

Lucas came up to her after getting his stuff ready. "Where are we going?"

"On the inside cover of Alyey's journal, there was a symbol. I think I know where that symbol's home is."

They were going to the Dead Sun Ruins located in the Infinite Hell of Dreams.


I loved writing this chapter, and I have exciting things planned for the next couple of chapters!

Thank you for all votes and comments. I really appreciate them!

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