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Maybe It's You

Claudia Lily Fernandez- Liza Soberano
Joshua Alexander Reyes- Enrique Gil
Charmaine Rose- Julia barretto
Julia Hope Reyes- Kira Balinger

Claudia has always been very practical. Especially when she on her own, she had to learn how to live without depending on others.

Her life was normal before this until one day her parents passed away during a car accident when she was 16. Her life changed overnight and she was forced to step up and fend for herself.

She stopped high school and started working at a fast food restoran in order to survive. By the age of 19, she had to stay with her only best friend jessy as the house owner chase her out for not paying the rent.

Jessy has always been the supportive bestie that she'll ever asked. She let claudia stay for free and never ask anything in return.

''Jessy! Im leaving for work''.

"Alright, don't forget to lock the door before you leave''


"another day, another blessing"

Im 23 and still I do not have a permenant job. I might not have to pay the rents but I still have to pay the house bills and my daily expenses. Working as a part time maid will not feed me enough.

I sighed as i went into the penthouse that I'm suppose to clean.

My jaw dropped when the guard unlock the doors for me.I was amazed how huge and beautiful the penthouse is. I walked around the penthouse and saw some man outfits in the laundry basket.

"So a guy owns this penthouse. whoever marries him are so lucky". I said to myself.

"The house is so clean and neat.What am I doing here then?"

I did a small tour before I start cleaning thw whole penthouse besides the house is already clean. I was roaming into the penthouse and went into the owner's room "Joshua''. that is what it was writen on the board infront of his room door.

"Joshua alexander Reyes"

"His name itself sounds so sexy, I wonder how he looks?" I could imagine he'd look like Richard gere from pretty woman.

"Oh my goddd! The bed looks so comfy" I immediatly jumped on the bed without any hesitation after looking at the comfy bed.

"Grabe naman, it is so nice living in a rich home." I layed down on the bed. It smells so good like baby. I was hugging the pillow tightly and without noticing I was asleep already.


"No Dad!! Nobody is getting involve with the deal. Its my deal with Josè and nobody is allowed to involved into it" I was furious at my dad for not trusting me with the jewellry deals. He wouldn't trust me because I messed up a deal once with the josè. I hooked up with her only daughter. She was seducing me during the meeting knowing me I'm down for it. But unfortunately he found out we were hooking up from the cctv in one of his hotel.

Josè and I are in good terms now. I appologized to him for messing with his daugher. It was hard to gain his forgiveness but somehow he forgive me and now he wants to make a deal with me.

"Dad stop it! You don't have to come all the way from singapore just to negociate with jose! I can do this, Trust me!" I was yelling to him for about 30 minutes through the phone and still he couldn't agree with my opinion.

"Sobra na si dad! he is coming over tomorrow" I told dante about the deals and dad. Dante has always been such a good friend. He has always been there for me since we were a kid.

"kalma bro, you need to chill. How about we go out to have some drinks at our bar"

"I don't think so, I think im gonna head to bed early for tonight. Dad is coming back tomorrow and I don't think i can handle him if i stay drunk tonight".

Dante laughed and pat my back while saying "guess I'll be replacing you for tonight with your girl Juney"

"Yeah go ahead, i won't be mad" as I walked away while laughing

I reached home and I saw my penthouse door was open. I walked in the penthouse slowly to see whether anyone robbed in and it looks like there was no one in here. "The cleaner must have forgotten to lock the doors." I said in a relieve. I then casually walk upstairs when i hear someone snoring.

I opened my door slowly and turns out there was a lady sleeping on my freaking bed!

" Who the fuck are you? Get off my bed!!" I yelled with anger while kicking the bed

Maybe Its You (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon