Chapter 1: Prologue

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   Stiles took a deep and shaky breath he loved his aunt and cousin he really did, but sometimes his anxiety got the best of him and all he could think about was all the ways things to go wrong. He wished so badly now that he had convinced his father to move here so he never had to go back to that awful town. He was barely 17 and now he was leaving again.
     Stiles got off in a train station that was as close to his aunts house as he could get. He carefully watched everyone get off the train it seemed that they had no idea what secrets the world was hiding. It truly amazed sometimes how one light thing can almost ruin a person from seeing the beautiful that the world holds. He took one move shaky breath before stepping off.
   The walk wasn't a long one, but one that Stiles used to let himself enjoy the city. As a child he loved the city: it was so fun of wonder after all and now it still seemed like a dream to him. No one here knee what had happened to him. It was like he could breath again.
   He walked with his shoulders back a determined grin on his face. He wasn't going to let past mistakes stop him from living the best life he could and he was going to make the best of this city. He was done being the play thing of the supernaturals. He was done lying to his father and he was done being controlled. He was going to go to class when it started and he was going to get the perfect gpa that he always wanted. He was going to become close with Clary again and maybe if he could get Simon to open up to him.
   He smiled at the building that was once his home for about 2 and a half years. Part of him deeply wished he had never left another prayed that he never would leave again. With another shaky, but less shaky breath he knocked on the door to his favorite aunt's apartment.
   It was then he noticed all sounds in the apartment stopped and became to serous for just a knock on the door. Part of Stiles cursed at his stupid what if his aunt had moved or what if she didn't want him? After all he was coming unannounced with only a plea to let him stay.
   His shaky breathing came back and he could feel anxiety start to build in his chest. Just as he was about to fall into a state of total panic and have an anxiety attack the door opened. A curious face looked at him. It was round with soft edges. The girl had wide green eyes and curly red hair that Stiles was thankful not to get. He would not look good with red hair after all, but at this moment he would take all the red hair in the world because he was so thankful to see his cousin. The girl gasped and hugged him tightly speaking softly, "Stiles!"
    Stiles felt the anxiety slowing pull out of his chest after sitting in the living room and seeing is aunt. He spied the three people in the corner, but they seemed to think he would notice them so he was going to let it slide for now. He could use that to his advantage later. His aunt of course hugged him tightly and told him he was welcome anytime. Stiles knew it would only be time before they started asking questions that's when he would use his those sly people to his advantage.
    His aunt was frantically making tea when the curiosity of his dearest cousin came to the surface, "Umm Stiles... Not to be rude, but why are you here?"
    Stiles searched her eyes they flicked over to the people in the corner then it hit him. She didn't trust him. He felt the anxiety begin to poor into his chest once more. It was like in that moment he had no one. Well, screw that Stiles thought silently. He forced a smirk on his face although it felt probably came out more of a grimace, "Maybe you should first introduce to those delightfully creepy people dressed in all black in the corner over there."
     Her eyes went wide and his aunt dropped the kettle that was in her hand. The group that was frozen in the corner seemed to tense ready to attack him. The anxiety was a wave now it was filling him up and if he didn't calm down quick he was going to be drowning in it.
    Clary stuttered, "You see them?"
    Stiles frowned and sarcastically answered, "Well they aren't ghost are they?"
     Clary gulped and waved the group over. The each took a seat and watched him with a silent glare. Stiles was pained that his cousin had already chosen these other people over him, but pain seemed to be one of the only constants in his life at this point.
    Clary took a deep breath and said, "I have sometime crazy to tell you, but I swear to god it's all true."
  Stiles snorted, "Lay it on me."
  Clary looked him in the eyes and a terrible shot of anxiety filled Stiles almost to the breaking point. Of course not a single person seem to notice or so it seemed. Clary continues, "The supernatural world is real. We are shadowhunters: half angle, half human beings. We protect the human world from the bad supernatural called downworlders."
   Stiles felt a crazed laugh fall out of his mouth, "The super-fucking-natural. I should have guessed because it just has to come around and mess with every single fothermucking person I care about now doesn't it?"
    Clary seemed to already have it rehearsed in her head as she continued on, "I know it sounds crazy, but... Wait! What? You know about the supernatural?"
   Stiles shook his head and watched as the boy closest to his cousin went to reach close to what could have been a knife. He smiled a thin smile that was one of a broken man, "Yeah you could say that."
    Clary let out a deep breath, "Well that's good I guess we don't have to hide anything from you then. Well, Luke's a werewolf and Simon's a vampire. We are shadowhunters and this guy we know is a mage. He's kinda a thot though."
    Stiles could feel his heart beat it thundered in his ears. This wasn't what he wanted. He want normal. He wanted his cousin safe. Nothing would ever be right because the stupid supernatural world had to come screw everyone's lives to hell.
   His aunt talked to him softly filling him in about other things as the others left for what was probably a hunt. The one guys seemed to watch him closely.  His blue eyes followed Stiles and seemed to understand him in the ways other didn't.
    It was a bit later when the shadowhunters came back. He was moved into Clary's old room since she didn't stay there much anymore. The people that stood in the corner were now named to him Jace, the boy that Clary deemed fit to be her boyfriend although Stiles wasn't sure if he trusted him, Izzy a girl that was as dangerous as Allison if not more so, but as intelligent as Lydia, and lastly Alec, the blue eyed boy that Stiles was drawn to and trusted even if they had just met.
    They wanted to take him to dinner at what they deemed a special place. It was made for monsters so Stiles was sure he would fit in fine.
    The blue eyed boy slowed to walk behind him after dinner. Clary and Jace walked together, Izzy and Simon, and now him and Alec. The boy looked at him with slow understanding eyes, "You couldn't breath back at the apartment because of anxiety. You are running from a troubled past that has a deep supernatural element in it, and you are scared that we will abandon you."
   Stiles nodded the other boy took this as a sign and gently took his hand. He looked at Stiles and spoke softly, "I wouldn't I promise. I trust you. You are different from the other. I can't promise that I will be perfect or that things will get better instantly, but I will help you all I can."
   Stiles smiled sadly, "Are you willing to take a chance on a little broken boy from Beacon Hills?"
   Alec nodded because sometimes actions speak louder than words.         This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Stiles was a little broken, but so was Alec. At first they weren't in love they were friends, but it slowly became something more and over the course of a year the two were inseparable until, of course, sometime like always has to go wrong. Stiles father has been shot and he is forced back to Beacon Hills leaving his fiancé, yes Alec proposed about a month before Stiles had to leave, and newly made family. Stiles was stronger now trained as a spark with Magnus, who wasn't that much of a dick to Stiles, and a powerful warrior with the shadowhunters.
     He was ready for whatever Beacon Hills can throw at him.

Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now