zoo and aquarium trip

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Yoongi walked into their shared bedroom and moved to grab clothes out of the dresser for Jimin. He picked out some shoes and socks as well, placing everything on the end of the bed carefully. Jimin was still wrapped up in the sheets, hair messy against his pillow. Yoongi smiled and walked over, taming the mess with his fingers.

Jimin stirred. "Good morning, Daddy," he said quietly, almost a whisper. He kept his eyes closed but his mouth turned up in a smile.

"Good morning, little one," Yoongi replied. He leaned down and kissed Jimin's cheek a few times, still playing with his silky hair. "Are you ready to get up? Daddy has a surprise for you today."

Jimin fluttered his eyes open. "Surprise?"

Yoongi nodded with a gentle smile. "Yeah. If you get up, we can get you ready and get going. Okay?"

Jimin nodded and stretched his arms over his head. Jimin made a cute stretching noise that twisted Yoongi's stomach dangerously fast. Yoongi took Jimin's hands and held him stand up from the bed. Yoongi kissed him to wake him up more, and Jimin giggled against his mouth. He moved over to the end of the bed and picked up the clothes. After Jimin's pajamas were off, Yoongi bent down to tie his laces. The younger played with Yoongi's fried pink hair while he waited for him to finish.

Yoongi picked up a hairbrush from the dresser and sat down on the bed. He brought Jimin to sit down on his lap and tickled his sides for a minute. Yoongi smiled when Jimin burst into another round of giggles and started brushing Jimin's hair.

Once the younger's hair was brushed and tame, yet still a little adorably wavy, Yoongi took Jimin off his lap and walked him over to the mirror. Jimin smiled when he looked at himself. He was in a cute light blue striped shirt with short sleeves, light overall shorts, and white vans with pastel colored polka dots. He felt good in the outfit. It made him feel even smaller. He lifted his hands to his cheeks and squished them.

"You look freaking precious, baby boy," Yoongi laughed.

Yoongi turned Jimin around and reached a hand into his pocket. Jimin watched as Yoongi pulled out two beaded bracelets. Jimin gasped and Yoongi slid one onto Jimin's wrist. It was a light blue and pink beaded bracelet with the words "Daddy's" spelled on it. The next one was a blue and white bracelet with the word "Prince". Jimin hugged his wrist to his chest.

"I love them, I love them!" Jimin squealed. He threw his arms around Yoongi and kissed his daddy's cheek.

"I'm glad, baby," Yoongi chuckled. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes!" Jimin skipped out of the room.

Yoongi followed him, picking up his bag, already full of supplies he may need to take care of Jimin. "Alright, babe. Let's go."

Yoongi threw his arm around Jimin's shoulders and walked them out of the apartment.


Jimin had fallen asleep on the car ride. Yoongi let him sleep and avoided every bump on the road he could. When they arrived at their destination, Yoongi parked the car and gently shook Jimin awake.

"Baby, we're here," Yoongi muttered.

Jimin yawned and sat up, stretching out his legs. "Where are we?"

"You'll see," Yoongi replied. He stepped out of the car and walked around it to open Jimin's door and help him out.

Yoongi and Jimin started walking to the entrance. Once Jimin read the sign, he squealed happily.

"Zoo and aquarium?!" Jimin started pulling Yoongi faster to the entrance.

"Okay, okay, Jiminie! We'll be inside soon enough," the elder said, struggling to walk at a normal pace while Jimin was latched to him.

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