oh my god shut up mae jk ily

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"Oh, god. Please stop crying. Oh, god." Jimin bit his lip and continued rocking Jinmae in his arms. She had been crying for over an hour straight. Yoongi was currently in the kitchen warming up some formula in hopes that it would finally calm down the baby. "Please."

Jimin leaned down and pressed a kiss to Jinmae's forehead. It stopped her crying for a minute and she reached out to poke at Jimin's cheeks. He smiled and laughed quietly, still rocking her slowly. One of her tiny fists rubbed at her eyes and she started crying again. Jimin sighed, his shoulders sinking.

"Okay, okay." Yoongi ran in, tapping the bottle on his wrist. "Here." He sat down next to Jimin and leaned over, carefully placing the bottle in the baby's mouth.

Jinmae perked up and sighed, drinking from the bottle almost immediately. Yoongi sighed and put his forehead on Jimin's shoulder. "Finally."

Jimin nodded and kissed the top of Yoongi's head. He kept his eyes on Jinmae, smiling softly. He could actually feel the bags under his eyes dragging his lids closed. "Hyung, I'm sleepy."

"Do you want a nap?" Yoongi asked, sitting up and still holding the bottle in her mouth. "I can watch her for a while."

"Please," Jimin begged, nodding.

Yoongi smiled and took Jinmae into his arms, rocking her slowly as she drank from the bottle. "Go ahead."

Jimin kissed Yoongi's quickly, practically sprinting to the bedroom. Yoongi watched him leave the room and chuckled when he heard Jimin hit the bed. He turned back to Jinmae and smiled, kissing her forehead. The baby giggled behind her bottle.


Yoongi shut his eyes and rubbed them with the heels of his palms. He whimpered quietly and leaned against the wall, trying to get his eyes to stay open. He was so tired.

Jimin came stomping into the room, eyes bloodshot and hair a complete mess. He fell against Yoongi's back and groaned. "Wanna sleep."

Yoongi nodded. The second the crying started again, he winced and hit his forehead against the wall. Jimin pouted up at him.

"I'll go get Mae." Yoongi pushed past Jimin and started on the short walk down the hallway. The closer he got to their bedroom, the more his ears hurt from the screaming.

Jinmae was thrashing in her crib unhappily, obviously uncomfortable. Yoongi leaned down to try and soothe her, but nothing had worked previously. They had tried changing her, feeding her, rocking her, even singing to her. She was just a fussy newborn.

"Daddy~!" Jimin came stumbling into the room with his palms over his ears. "Make 'er stop! Hurts," he whined.

"I know, pumpkin. I know." Yoongi picked Jinmae up carefully, beginning to rock her again in hopes she might quiet down. She only screamed louder. He turned to look at his husband with a fuzzy, tired look in his eyes. "Why are you small, baby?"

Jimin shrugged and his bottom lip stuck out further. "So tired." He hung his head and shut his eyes, whimpering under his breath. It felt like his shoulders were being dragged down to the floor by weights.

Yoongi nodded knowingly and started making shushing noises towards the baby. Jinmae used her tiny fists to rub at her eyes. Jimin padded up quietly behind Yoongi and peeked over his shoulder.

"Baby." Jimin pursed his lips. "No cry, baby Mae." He reached forward to rub at her cheeks. Her crying quieted. "No cry."

Yoongi's lips parted as he stared down at Jimin's fingers rubbing circles into Jinmae's chubby cheeks. After a minute or so, she giggled and hooked her tiny digits around Jimin's thumbs.

Jimin smiled sleepily. "No more cry." He rounded Yoongi so he could place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

The elder was frozen as Jinmae settled into his arms and closed her eyes. Jimin walked to their bed and flung himself on it, curling up and falling asleep as soon as his eyes were shut. Yoongi blinked down at the baby, utterly transfixed at her silence.

Very, very slowly, Yoongi placed Jinmae back into her crib. He moved back, mouth still ajar, and let his hands fall to his sides. Jimin made a soft sound in his sleep and Yoongi turned to look at him.

Yoongi couldn't believe that after hours of screaming and crying, all Jimin had to do was go into his headspace and rub Mae's cheeks.

With a sigh, Yoongi climbed into bed next to Jimin. He figured that he should be asleep whenever Jinmae was too. He pulled Jimin to him, feeling as Jimin unconsciously gripped onto him, and shook his head in disbelief before letting sleep take over him as well.

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