punish me (self harm tw)

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Jimin stretched and yawned as he sat up in bed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stood up while pulling his sleeves over his palms. Jimin sleepily shuffled over to the bedroom door, freezing when he passed the mirror. He quirked his lips as he remembered Yoongi's comments about him from yesterday.

He honestly felt really bad. He shouldn't have made Yoongi worry about him so much. Jimin was pretty sure Yoongi didn't even eat after that situation. He couldn't believe himself.

Jimin left the bedroom and made his way to the kitchen. He could smell bacon through the house. As he entered the kitchen, Yoongi turned to look at him. Yoongi's hair was messy and curly, the black strands falling haphazardly around his face. Jimin couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, my love. Sit down, I'm making breakfast."

Jimin nodded and sat down at the table, rubbing his eyes. Yoongi placed a plate in front of him. He cupped Jimin's cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips, holding it for a while. Jimin's cheeks flushed as his stomach warmed up.

Yoongi pulled away and leaned his forehead against Jimin's, smiling. Yoongi looked into his eyes lovingly. He nuzzled his nose against the younger's, eskimo kissing him. Jimin flushed hard and his breath hitched as he suddenly slipped at the action. Yoongi smiled and kissed his nose before pulling away.

"Hey, Daddy?" Jimin asked, swinging his feet.

Yoongi, who was getting his own serving, turned to look at him again. "Yes, baby?"

"I love you," Jimin said, grinning.

Yoongi smiled and nodded. "I love you too."


Jimin was perched on the counter as Yoongi cleaned. Thoughts kept plaguing him and he couldn't help but feel guilty. Yoongi did everything for him and Jimin just kept bothering him. He did nothing for Yoongi.

"Daddy, Diminie can help you clean!"

Yoongi smiled up at him. "No, baby, it's alright. Daddy can clean. You stay up there and keep looking cute."

Jimin faked a smile and looked at his lap. "But I wanna help."

Yoongi shook his head. "That's alright."

Jimin nodded. He'd have to find another way to get what he deserved for making Yoongi worry.


Jimin took a glass from the cabinet for his juice. He never used glasses when he was in little space, and that's precisely why he took one. Maybe Yoongi would punish him for this. He needed to be punished for being so bad to Yoongi.

Yoongi walked into the kitchen to check on him. He looked at the glass in Jimin's hand. "You sure you wanna use a big glass, baby? I can get your sippy cup."

Jimin shook his head. Yoongi smiled and took the glass. He placed it on the counter and took out the orange juice, pouring a decent amount into the cup for him. He handed it to a pouting Jimin with a smile and kissed his cheek.

"Here, baby. I'll be in the living room, alright?"

Jimin nodded and watched him leave the kitchen. He was supposed to punish Jimin, and all he did was fill the cup for him! Once he was gone, Jimin downed the orange juice in a few gulps and "dropped" the glass. It shattered as it hit the floor, the pieces of glass surrounding his feet.

Yoongi ran into the kitchen, looking at Jimin and then the floor. "Oh, baby. I told you I'd get you a cup..." He sighed and took Jimin's hand, helping him onto the table. "Stay up here while Daddy cleans it, alright?"

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