punishment for... daddy?

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Jimin was walking through the kitchen when he felt something tug on his collar. He was pulled backwards and his back bent. Yoongi smiled and kissed his lips before standing him up straight again.

Jimin was blushing furiously. He huffed and carried on what he was doing, shooting the elder a dirty look with bright cheeks. Yoongi just smirked back at him.


The younger was sitting on the couch, typing away on his computer. Yoongi walked over to him and pulled on the collar again, effectively lifting his head up. Jimin squirmed but calmed when Yoongi kissed him softly.

"Hyung," he complained when Yoongi pulled away. Yoongi just laughed and moved across the room to the chair, sitting down with his coffee. "Why the hell do you keep doing that? It's the third time this week."

Yoongi shrugged. "I like to bother you."

Jimin blushed again and looked back down at his computer.


Jimin was trying to make dinner when Yoongi walked into the room, a dark smirk upon his lips. He moved over to Jimin and pulled harshly on the collar, earning a small squeal from the younger. Yoongi moved Jimin away from the stove and smelled the food closer. He removed his fingers from the collar, lavender today, and smiled.

"Smells good, Jiminie."

Jimin glared at him. "I can't stand you!"

"Aw, I love you too." Yoongi kissed Jimin's cheek and left the kitchen.


Jimin smiled devilishly as he planned out his revenge. He picked up his other collar, the lavender one, and slipped his favourite light blue collar around his neck. Jimin padded into the living room as quietly as he could. Yoongi had fallen asleep on the couch. The sound of the TV masked the younger's footsteps as he creeped up on Yoongi.

As gently as possible, Jimin slipped the collar around the older's neck, then clasped it. He smirked and walked around the couch. He reached his hand down behind Yoongi's ear and kissed him.

Yoongi woke up, his eyelashes fluttering against Jimin's cheeks. He closed his eyes and leaned into Jimin's kiss.

Jimin pulled back and smiled. "Hi, Daddy. You look really pretty." It wasn't a lie. The lavender contrasted prettily with Yoongi's pale skin.

Yoongi smiled. "Thank you, baby boy. And thank you for the great wake-up." His sleepy mind didn't register the collar around his neck.

Jimin grinned at him happily. "Will Daddy make Diminie some food?"

Yoongi nodded and kissed him. "Let Daddy go to the bathroom first and he'll make you whatever you want."

Jimin nodded eagerly. Yoongi watched as his boyfriend ran to the kitchen in his oversized sweatshirt — Yoongi's sweatshirt — and shorts. He smiled to himself and stood up. Yoongi stretched before going to the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror, ruffling his hair momentarily. He snapped his eyes down to his neck and saw the dainty velvet collar around his neck.

"Jimin!" he screamed.

Jimin came skipping into the bathroom. "Yes, Daddy?"

"Get this thing off me!" Yoongi said, trying to reach back and get the clasp. His fingers fumbled with it and he deemed it impossible for him to get off himself. "Jimin! Now!"

Jimin looked up at him sweetly. "But Daddy looks so pretty in it! And Jiminie has to get back at him!"

Yoongi looked at the younger, confused. "Get back at me for what?"

Jimin beamed and reached up, pulling Yoongi's head back. Yoongi yelped as his back was bent. Jimin pressed a small kiss to his lips before pushing him back to standing.

"That, Daddy!"

Yoongi hiccuped and covered his cheeks, resting his elbows on the counter. "Jimin," he groaned. "Please, take it off."

Jimin shook his head. "I will later, Daddy! Daddy just needs his punishment." The younger giggled.

Yoongi groaned again and shot daggers at Jimin. "Fine." He stepped past Jimin to leave the bathroom and the younger skipping behind him.


Yoongi was stirring the pot at the stove when Jimin came and pulled on his collar. The other made a very unmanly noise that he mentally kicked himself for. Jimin leaned down and smelled the food.

"Smells good, Daddy," Jimin said, his voice dripping of sarcasm.

Yoongi huffed.


Yoongi was sitting on the couch in Jimin's usual spot. Jimin went over to him and quickly stuck two fingers between his collar and his neck, pulling him to the other side of the couch. Yoongi rolled his eyes and let it happen. Jimin sat down happily.

"Would you take this thing off now?" Yoongi asked, pulling at it again.

Jimin smiled. "Did Daddy learn his lesson?"

Yoongi nodded. "Yes, baby. I think he has. Now, take this off before I punish you."

Jimin scrambled up to unclasp the collar. He laid it on the table and hugged around Yoongi's middle, kissing his cheek every so often to ask for forgiveness.

"I love you, Daddy! Please don't be mad at Jiminie!"

"I'm not mad at you, Jiminie baby." Yoongi laughed at Jimin's relieved sigh. "Daddy just likes messing with you sometimes."

Jimin giggled. "I know. Jiminie likes messing with Daddy too."

"Besides, you look way better in them than I do." Yoongi kissed him softly.

"Daddy looks so, so pretty in collars!" Jimin said with a shake of his head. "Daddy should get one."

The elder mimicked Jimin's headshake. "The only collars Daddy's gonna have are for you."

Jimin sighed, defeated and leaned into Yoongi's arms again. "Fine," he said, smiling.

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