oh shit he swore

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"Daddy!" Jimin whined for the thousandth time that day. Yoongi was so close to covering his ears and yelling at Jimin to shut up for one second, but he wouldn't let himself get mad at his baby boy.

"Yes, Jimin?" Yoongi said. It came out a little harsher than he had meant it to.

"I want to get the toy!" the baby yelled. He put his hands on his hips and pouted at Yoongi.

The elder groaned into his hands. "I told you already, baby, you can't have it."

Jimin was usually very well behaved, listening to everything his Daddy said and not talking back. He never complained nor threw tantrums, but there he was, screaming and pouting and complaining for hours on end.

"But, why, Daddy?! I need it! Don't you love me, Daddy?! If you loved me, you'd let me have it!" Jimin squealed, stomping his foot.

Yoongi looked at him sternly and shook his head. "Of course I love you. But I'm not buying you a toy you don't need."

Jimin screamed and kicked at the floor again. Yoongi turned around and let him have his moment. Jimin huffed and stopped yelling, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting, looking away.

"Daddy doesn't love me."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and faced Jimin. "I love you more than anything, baby boy, and you know that."


Yoongi's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

"I said bullshit! Fuck you!"

Yoongi stood up immediately, stalking to Jimin before the younger could react. Yoongi grabbed him by the ear and heard him yelp. Yoongi dragged him to the couch and sat him on the cushions. Jimin pouted as he bounced on the couch, looking away from Yoongi.

"Do you wanna repeat what you said, Jimin?" Yoongi snapped.

Jimin looked down at his lap and shook his head.

"Why not? You said it before, so why not now?"

"I don't wanna, Daddy," Jimin mumbled. He fiddled with his fingers nervously.

Yoongi glared at him. "What did you do wrong?"

Jimin shook his head again, keeping quiet.


Jimin continued to be quiet, avoiding Yoongi's gaze.

"Park Jimin."

Jimin snapped his head up, meeting Yoongi's eyes with his teary ones. "S-Swore at Daddy."

"And what does that mean?" the elder asked, petting through Jimin's messy hair.

"Jiminie gets punished and punished bad." Jimin looked down again and sniffled. "It's one of Daddy's biggest rules and — and I broke it an' swore an' D-Diminie's really really sorry."

"Daddy's gonna let you pick your punishment, baby. This is the second time you've broken this rule." Yoongi sat down on the couch next to Jimin, sitting back on his elbow and placing one hand on Jimin's thigh.

"Um... What about Jiminie stays quiet while Daddy tells Jiminie how much he loves him?" Jimin asked quietly, his voice soft.

Yoongi smiled. "What else? You need more."

Jimin sighed and leaned against Yoongi. "Diminie will write the rule over and over a thousand times if he has to, Daddy!"

Yoongi chuckled. "How about you write the rule forty times?"

Jimin nodded. "Yes! I can do that!"


Yoongi sat Jimin at the table, placing two pages of paper in front of him with a pencil. "Twenty lines of the rule to start off with, okay? After that, I want you to write 'I will not throw tantrums' twenty times. Think you can do that, baby?"

Jimin gazed up at him. "Yes, yes! I can, Daddy!"

Yoongi smiled and kissed Jimin on the nose. "Quiet, baby. No talking. You made that rule."

Jimin nodded and pretended to zip his lips and hand the key to Yoongi. Yoongi grinned and "pocketed" the "key".

Yoongi watched as Jimin wrote line after line, his pencil scribbling along the pages. The top of Jimin's tongue wet the side of his mouth as he focused. Yoongi began making dinner, throwing a pot on the stove to boil water while he listened to Jimin's pencil writing away.


As Yoongi was adding ingredients to the broth, Jimin got up and excitedly showed Yoongi the papers.

"You did such a good job, Jiminie. I'm so proud of you." Yoongi patted his head and took the paper, placing it on the counter and turning back to the food.

Jimin tugged on Yoongi's shirt. The elder looked over at him, confused.

"What is it, little one?"

Jimin pointed at his tightly shut lips. Yoongi laughed in realisation and reached into his pocket, pulling out the "key". Jimin smiled as Yoongi unzipped his mouth. Jimin giggled once Yoongi threw the key over his shoulder.

"Talk now?" Jimin asked, tilting his head.

Yoongi nodded. "Of course."

Jimin giggled and hugged Yoongi's waist. Yoongi scooped out some food and placed it in the bowl on the counter. Jimin took it with a grin and sat down at the table to dig in immediately.


They were cuddling on the bed, Yoongi keeping Jimin as close to him as he could. He even had his leg thrown over Jimin's. Jimin was playing with Yoongi's hands as he rested.

"Daddy?" Jimin asked softly.

Yoongi hummed in response, his eyes closed.

"I want my paci, Daddy." Jimin snuggled closer to him.

Yoongi sighed and started moving to stand up, but Jimin clung to him tighter.

"Baby, if you want your paci, you gotta let me get up." Yoongi brushed through his hair and gently kissed his forehead. Yoongi supported Jimin's head under his arm.

Jimin shook his head. "Nooo. I wanna keep cuddling you."

Yoongi laughed. "What about your paci?"

Jimin thought for a moment before grinning and grabbing Yoongi's free hand. Yoongi watched as Jimin brought his fingers up to his mouth. He slowly pushed Yoongi's thumb between his lips. Yoongi couldn't help a giggle as the younger's warm tongue tickled his finger.

"Really, baby?" Yoongi asked, a wide smile on his face.

Jimin nodded, Yoongi's finger still perched in his mouth. Yoongi used his free fingers to brush across Jimin's cheek.

Yoongi watched him affectionately, still cradling his face with his free fingers, as he fell asleep. Jimin occasionally sucked softly on his thumb, making him chuckle lightly. Yoongi pressed more kisses to his forehead as he too started to drift off.

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