hard time being little

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Yoongi slowly made his way over to the couch and fell over, landing right on top of Jimin. The younger groaned softly and pat Yoongi on the back.

"Hey there, hyung. Why did you feel like crushing me?" Jimin said, his voice strained a bit.

Yoongi shrugged. "You seemed warm."

Jimin giggled and kissed the side of Yoongi's head. "Well then. You could just get under the blankets with me."

"Too lazy for that." Yoongi nuzzled his face further into Jimin's neck and sighed.

Jimin rolled his eyes and drew patterns on Yoongi's back, letting the elder lay on top of him for as long as he wanted.


Jimin was sitting on the floor, staring off at some place in the room. He had a blanket wrapped around him, cartoon print socks on his feet, and he was fiddling with the bracelets on his wrist.

Yoongi walked in and saw his husband on the floor. He smiled softly and sat down on the couch, running his hands through Jimin's hair.

"Hi, hyung."

Yoongi furrowed his brow. "Hey, honey. I thought you were little."

Jimin shrugged. "Not now."

Yoongi smiled and kissed his forehead. "That's alright. I love you."

Jimin smiled and leaned into Yoongi's touch. The elder continued to brush through his hair, grin widening whenever Jimin would hum quietly.

After a while, Yoongi noticed Jimin still gazing at something. He turned his head to follow his eyes and found a lilac pacifier on the table near them.

"Jimin, you can have the pacifier if you want, you know. You know you can be small whenever you want to." Yoongi sighed and twisted his fingers in Jimin's hair.

Jimin stayed quiet for a moment. "I know."

Yoongi quirked his mouth to the side and leaned forward, grabbing the pacifier. He held it out to Jimin with raised eyebrows, expecting Jimin to take it into his mouth immediately and give his hyung a small smile. Instead, Jimin turned away and shook his head.

Yoongi tried not to let it worry him. He shrugged nonchalantly and put the pacifier down, moving his hands to work on Jimin's shoulders.


When Yoongi found Jimin again, he was watching cartoons on his laptop. He had a few stuffed animals clutched in his arms, but a bored look on his face.

"Jiminie?" Yoongi asked.

The younger looked up at Yoongi and let out a heavy breath. "Yeah, hyung?" his voice was normal, monotone even.

"Honey. Sweetheart. Jiminie baby. Why won't you go into little space if you want to so badly?"

Jimin groaned and shut the laptop. He threw the stuffed animals to the side. "I don't know, hyung! I just can't." Jimin whimpered and put his face in his hands.

Yoongi smiled softly. "I could help."

Jimin picked his head up. "Please?"

Yoongi went over to the bed and pulled Jimin into his arms. Jimin squealed at leaving the bed so suddenly and he gripped Yoongi's shirt in his fingers. Yoongi simply laughed and brought him over to the closet.

"First, let's get you into some comfy clothes, okay?" Yoongi's face broke out into a soft smile when Jimin nodded.

Yoongi pulled out a pair of light overall shorts, a flowery shirt and thigh highs. Jimin blushed when he saw them and he looked away, slightly embarrassed. Yoongi smiled and started to slowly undress Jimin.

When Jimin was fully dressed, Yoongi turned the younger towards the mirror. Jimin's cheeks darkened and he looked down at his feet, wiggling his toes.

"You look so cute, baby," Yoongi laughed.

He kissed Jimin's head and went to grab slippers. They were Yoongi's and incredibly soft and warm. Jimin brightened when they were slipped onto his feet, warming his toes already.

"What do you think? Cotton candy and colouring?"

Jimin gasped. "Cotton candy?!" His voice was already getting higher.

Yoongi nodded with a grin. "I bought some a few days ago. How about we go colour and eat it, yeah?"

Jimin nodded quickly. He was the one who led Yoongi towards the kitchen, bouncing between every step.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Yoongi exclaimed.

He ran to the room quickly. When he came back out, Jimin was standing there with his hands clasped behind his back and his head tilted to the side. Yoongi pulled out a flower crown with white and lilac flowers. He smiled at Jimin's excited squeal. Yoongi put it on Jimin's head, positioning it on his hair.

"There. You look perfect, little one. Absolutely adorable."

Jimin giggled. "Thank you, Daddy."

Yoongi leaned forward and kissed Jimin's forehead. "Alright, now sit down and Daddy will get everything, okay?"

Jimin nodded and skipped over towards his chair. He had recently decorated it with stickers and ribbons to add to the overall tiny aesthetic. Yoongi grabbed the crayons, colouring books, and hidden cotton candy and laid everything out on the table.

Jimin immediately stuffed his mouth full of cotton candy. Yoongi giggled and took his own piece, then directed Jimin towards the colouring books. Jimin hummed and flipped open to a page, picked up a crayon, and began colouring.

Yoongi leaned back in his chair and watched over Jimin, wiping his face every so often to get off the sticky pink and purple sugar. Jimin just continued to colour and swing his feet under the table, humming happily and entwining one of his hands with Yoongi's.

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