jungkook's necklace

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"I'm sorry, Jungkookie~" Jimin apologized, his bottom lip sticking out. He had turned on his awful aegyo for this kid.

"It's alright, hyung. You were little," Jungkook brushed him off, smiling tiredly.

Jimin nodded. "Yes, Jungkookie. But I'm sorryy~" He leaned over Jungkook's shoulder, showering his cheek with kisses.

Jungkook squirmed and tried to push him off. "Hyung, noo."

Taehyung pushed through the kitchen door with a pacifier in his mouth. He looked at Jimin and his face lit up. "Minnie!"

Jimin slipped into little space so quickly his head got foggy and dizzy. He stumbled a bit, Yoongi coming behind him to hold him up by his elbows. Yoongi just sighed as Jimin regained his balance. Jimin blinked a few times before rubbing at his eyes.

"Taetae!" He waved at Taehyung with wiggling fingers.

The two of them ran out of the kitchen, leaving Yoongi and Jungkook alone. Yoongi smiled and sat down. Jungkook put his head against the table, letting out a deep breath.

"You alright there, Kook?"

Jungkook picked his head up. His eyes were closed and he laughed a little. "Yeah. I'm good."

"You sure, dude? You're kinda..." Yoongi twirled his finger near his temple.

Jungkook kept smiling. He looked kind of insane. "I love him so much."

Yoongi snorted. "Alright, kid."

"No. Like, I really love him. I do. I love him."

"I think you should be talking to Taehyung about this. Not me," Yoongi said, leaning back in his chair.

Jungkook laughed. "Yeah, maybe."

Jimin and Taehyung came back into the kitchen, giggling. They were each holding something behind their backs.

"Hey, Kookie," they hummed in unison.

"Hi," Jungkook smiled. "What do you two have?"

The two littles glanced at each other and giggled before bringing their hands to the front. In their hands was a necklace with a few beads hanging from it. In the middle of the beads was a hanging pendant. On one side was a J, the other a T.

"We — we wanted to apologize for the — the other day!" Taehyung laughed. He tended to stammer when he was little and every time he did, Jungkook felt his heart beating faster. His brain just raced too quickly for his mouth to catch up.

"Yeah! We're sorry, Kookie," Jimin added, his eyes crinkling.

Jungkook took the necklace with a huge smile, and a slight blush, and put it around his neck. "It's okay. Thank you two so much." He pulled Jimin closer to him and kissed his forehead. He then pulled Taehyung to him, caressing his hair and kissing both of his cheeks, finishing with a kiss on his nose.

Jimin gave Yoongi a knowing look. Yoongi smirked back at him. Jimin walked over to Yoongi and sat on his lap, letting Yoongi wrap his arms around Jimin's middle, rocking him side to side.

Jungkook hugged Taehyung to him once more. Taehyung giggled cutely and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"I'm happy you — you like it, Kookie Bear."

Jungkook blushed harder. He glanced up at the clock. "It's time for your nap, Taetae. Why don't you say goodbye to Yoongi hyung and Jiminie?"

Taehyung went over to Jimin and pulled him into a tight hug. He kissed Jimin's cheek softly, saying bye. He went over to Yoongi and squished his cheek against the elder's.

"Bye bye, Taehyung-ah." Yoongi tousled Taehyung's hair.

Yoongi took Jimin's hand in his and they said their goodbyes to Jungkook. They left the apartment just as Taehyung held onto Jungkook's arm and followed Jungkook into the living room.

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