collars, cleaning, & christmas

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"I absolutely refuse, Park Jimin."

"Daddy isn't being fair to Jiminie."



Yoongi rubbed his temples. "Where did you get this idea from? You cannot wear your necklace to our wedding, baby."

"Daddy, why?! I love it! It's pretty!"

"Jiminie, I love it too. But not for a wedding."

"Why, Daddy? I-Is it too weird...?" Jimin blushed and looked down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers. Yoongi could see tears well up in his eyes.

"Hey, hey. Don't do that. Come here, baby." Yoongi opened his arms and Jimin let Yoongi hug him. "Don't cry. Daddy hates it when you cry."

"S-So it's weird? I'm sorry, Daddy." Jimin pouted and hid his face in Yoongi's chest.

"Hey. It's not weird. Daddy loves you and the collars. Okay? Daddy just doesn't want you to feel... bad at your wedding."

"Bad? I'm okay, Daddy! Can I... Can I wear the black one? It'll match." Jimin smiled up at him. "Please, Daddy?"

Yoongi sighed and looked down at him. "You're gonna be the death of me, Jimin-ah."

"Yay!" Jimin squealed. He hugged Yoongi tighter and nuzzled his head into the elder's chest.


Yoongi had Jimin on his hip to carry him around the house as he tidied up. Jimin was getting sleepy, his eyes drooping and his hold on Yoongi loosening. He knew the younger wanted to nap with Yoongi, but Yoongi desperately needed to clean. Jimin was always clingy when he was tired. This was the only way they could both get what they wanted.

Finally, Yoongi was done and brought Jimin into the bedroom, laying him down on the bed. He sighed happily and jumped onto the bed next to him. Jimin wrapped around him like a koala.

"Hi, babe."

"Hi, hyung." Jimin laughed and kissed the side of Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi looked at Jimin incredulously. "You're not even small?!"

Jimin grinned and shook his head.

"So, you made me carry you around for nothing." Yoongi groaned. "I'm too weak."

Jimin giggled. "I love you, Yoongi hyung."

"Yeah, I love you too. Cuddle me."


Jimin had on his favourite fluffy pyjama bottoms, one of Yoongi's sweatshirts, and fuzzy socks. He was sitting in a chair by the window, watching the snow fall slowly and cover the ground. In his hands was a warm mug of hot cocoa with cinnamon. He could only be happier if Yoongi was next to him.

The elder had gone out to work about an hour ago. Jimin hated it. It was Christmas for fuck's sake. Why couldn't he stay home?

Jimin sighed and stared into the cocoa. He put his face close to the mug, loving the way the smoke curled around his face. Yoongi should be there drinking cocoa with him. Instead, he was typing away at a computer screen.

Jimin looked back out the window and blinked. There was a figure walking towards the apartment complex, through the snow, wearing nothing but a tee and sweats, gripping something to his chest. Jimin groaned and placed down his cocoa, running out of the apartment immediately after grabbing a sweatshirt.


"I can't fucking believe you, hyung," Jimin scolded as he threw the sweatshirt around Yoongi's shoulders.

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