Created In Chaos

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I was done. I had tried, I had fought, and I was done. There was a feeling in the depths of my gut that I knew was the feeling of nothing. I was over and I just felt done. I stood in a field littered with the people I used to know, looking into the eyes of the man I use to love. "I'll break you," he promised.

I held my head higher with tears shining in my eyes that I refused to let him see. "You know, we were both created in chaos, we were both born to destroy. You were death and I was war. We collided, and now look at us. But the place that we collided? Darling, I almost loved you."

His eyes narrowed. "A stupid mistake, as I'm sure you now know. But don't be fooled, I am death. I am the death that fills this field, I am hopelessness that fills your chest." He moves his lips to my ear. "I am your weakness."

I recoiled instantly. "Don't underestimate my ability to turn you into the ruins you've created. I will shatter your soul into pieces like you did mine, I will burn our sanctuary and destroy everything you own. And don't ask the Gods to help you because they're all afraid of me." Now was my turn to whisper into his ear. "I will break you before you get the chance to run."


I quite like this one. It's very vague isn't it? Huh... I think that two is enough for now. Just you wait ;)

- DJay   

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