the worse form of torture

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I open my eyes to another nightmare. My eyes weren't really open, I knew that much. I was forced to relive the same night, over and over again. The screams fill my mind. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I whimper again and again, only to stay completely helpless. The ghosts of my fallen friends and family float past me, laughing and talking – just as I remember them. The scene shifts. I'm sitting at my kitchen table with tiny feet running around my chair. I smile at the toothy grin that looks up at me, her golden curls falling around her sweet face. My heart pangs, I feel like a punch to the stomach. I hear distant screaming. Who's that? Are they okay? If they're in as much pain as me it makes sense to be screaming. I feel my throat scratchy and raw. "Where's mummy?" she asks, her head tilting to the side.

"I-I don't know..."

Her face turns to pure anguish. I lurch in my seat, tears gleaming in my own eyes. "I want Mummy! What did you do!"

The scene is slowly melting away in front of me but all I can see is her face, alive with pain and suffering. "You caused this," I hear from the distance.

I notice the scene that we are now standing in – the chair had melted away. Small fires dotted the ruined field in which I stand. Bodies, alive and dead, dot the ruins. The air is thick with smoke and the stench of death. My eyes find the little girl in front of me and I let out a cry as a small red patch spreads through her pink shirt. She looks up at me, her green eyes alive with fear. "Why didn't you save me?" and she collapses, just another body that I'm responsible for. Me. I did this.

My eyes fly open and now I know it's for real. My wrists are bound to the chair, and the only light in the room is five meters in front of me. My face feels damp, from sweat or tears I don't know, probably both. "Please, please stop..." I whimper.

There's a laugh from the darkness as a hooded figure steps forward, throwing off his hood in the most dramatic way possible. "Not until you cower at my feet, begging me for mercy. Then, maybe, I'll stop. But, until then..." he laughs again, his catlike eyes staring into my every secret. "Suffer." And I'm plunged back into a world that I have fought to forget. Memories, they say, are the worst form of torture. Now I know, they were right.



I'm part of a creative writers club at my school and this was one of the prompt that we had to work with so I was like "huh okay sure, man." and I kinda like this one. 

So... yeah... enjoy :)

- DJay

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