You are my sunshine

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He gave a soft cough and a moan. "Shhh, take some medicine and you'll be fine," She told him, placing a cold rag on his forehead.

"I'm... dying..." He choked out and flopped down on the bed with his tongue hanging out.

She laughed and gave him a playful shove. "Hilarious. Want some soup?"

He sighed and coughed again. "Sophia, can you stay with me? Sing me a song, that'll work like a charm, I bet." His voice was rough and scratchy.

"But I... you need to actually get better! Singing isn't going to boost your immune system, Justin. I'll be right back." She placed a kiss on his forehead and left, returning a few minutes later with a bowl of warm soup.

He drunk it gladly before setting the bowl down and yawning. Sophia brushed the hair from his damp head as his eyes fluttered closed.

"You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When skies are grey

You'll never know, Dear

How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away..."

Jason drifted off to sleep with her voice in his head and a smile on his lips.

**after a huge battle or something later on**

The world burned around them but he took no notice – his eyes were on here. She was laying there, completely still with only the smallest whimpers to show that she was still alive... he ran to her and scooped up her sweet head, cradling her frail body in his arms. She gripped his shirt, her tears were mingled with dirt and blood. "I don't want to die, Jay. It-it hurts. Pl-please don't let me g-go. I don't, I don't..." She gave another whimper and seemed to fold in on herself in pain.

His own tears didn't seem enough. "Soph? Soph, it'll be okay. I promise... I promise, Baby."

She didn't react. The only movement was the shaky rise and fall of her breath.

"You a-are my sunshine

my... only sunshine,"

the faintest smile was on her chipped lips as he sung in a voice that cracked with ever word.

"Y-You make me ha-happy

when skies... are grey,"

his voice cracked and broke as more tears flowed freely down his dirt cacked cheeks.

"You'll never know, D-Dear

how much I l-love... you,"

It took the last bit of strength to sing the last verse. Her breathing had stopped and her eyelids were closed softly over her amber eyes.

"Please don't take m-my sunshine... away."

On the last word he broke, rocking back and forth while cradling her body and sobbing onto her pale chest. She was gone.


So this one is just because I hate myself :)

What'd you think? CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always welcome hehe

- DJay 

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