Death is a private business

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That was when I saw him. I followed him for hours. His hazel brown hair, his emerald green eyes and freckles scattered across his fair face. He had to be in his twenties.

The first man I would ever kill.

He walked with a sort of nervous stumble, anxious to get out of the dark, lonely streets. He hadn't seen me yet. Perfect. I smirked to myself and came out of the shadowy alleyway. I forced my soft face into a mask of calm and cool. "Hello? Are you okay? You look lost." I gave him a reassuring smile. He jumped slightly when he saw me and gave me back a nervous, lopsided smile. "Uh no... No, I'm fine. Well..." he glanced down shyly. Piece of cake. "I am a little lost actually. You wouldn't mind..."

My face broke into a joyful grin. "I wouldn't mind at all." I licked my lips. Not one bit.

And so, I helped Little Red Riding Hood get to Grandma's... little did he know the wolf was right behind him.


'Sup my dudes.

My school has this awesome club that's run by a teacher where we basically write and read. "Creative Writers Club" lol. This story is a bit old but I still like it :)


- DeeJay xoxo

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