(INFINITY WAR SPOILER) I'm sorry, baby...

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I held my little brother in my arms as he gripped frantically to my dirt crusted shirt, tears pouring down his soft cheeks like waterfalls. "Please, please, please... I don't wanna die... please help me. Please, please, please. Not me, not me, not me... it-it hurts... please make it stop... no, no, no... please..."

I felt tears run down my own cheeks as I rocked back and forth, cradling his sweet face in my blood mingled hands. "I'm sorry," I whispered, my mouth inches from his ear as he whimpered softly, curling himself in my lap. "I'm sorry, baby... it's okay... it's okay... I'm here... shh, shh... everything is okay... it-it won't hurt anymore, baby..." I place a lingering kiss on his forehead. His breath comes in shallow rasps. "It'll all be okay... I promise I won't leave you... I'm so sorry..."

He gripped my arm with one of his small ones. "I'm s...scared... I-I'm really sc-scared, Sis... I don't wanna die... will-will you st-stay with me?" he rasped.

"Always and forever." As his breath grew shorter I continue to brush his blood mingled hair from his dirt caked face. "G-Go to s...sleep... no more hurt... I'm sorry... I love you... always and forver..." His eyes droop closed and he takes his final breath. I burst into tears, unable to hold it back anymore and no one to hold it back from... gripping his shirt as to never let him go, I burrow my face into his shirt and let it all out of my brothers pale body.     


I'm having a very sad day and writing is how I like to express myself so here we are. I like writing and reading angst :)

- DJay

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